Paper details:Management Competency Journal (15%):
Each chapter in the text has cases and self-assessment exercises. In this course you are required to prepare a journal in which you record what you have learned from completing each of the assigned cases and exercises. The Management Competency Journal is where you should demonstrate that you have mastered and can apply course concepts. It is not enough to just list your answers.
For “Case Studies,” read the case and then answer the questions at the end of the case be sure and apply the relevant course concepts as appropriate. Be sure to apply chapter concepts/models and also include the Case Questions in bold along with your answers.
For “Exercises” be sure that you discuss what you have learned about you. You are not required to duplicate or copy each exercise, just read and comply with the instructions for that particular exercise. Be sure to apply chapter concepts/models and give your score for each exercise as part of your discussion.
Again, a well thought out and complete response to each case/self-assessment applies concepts/models from the text to fully support your analysis. Expected length for responses is 1-2 complete paragraphs per question.
Submit this assignment through the Assignments Course link. DO NOT email any assignments to me unless specifically instructed to do so. The due date for the Organizational Culture Case Study will be posted in the Assignments Course Link.
The entire Management Competency Journal will be submitted in one doc or docx file at the end of the semester. See the assignment course link for the due date.
The cover sheet will contain the following information: 1) “My Journal,” 2) student’s name, 3) course title and designator (e.g., Organizational Behavior and Administration, MGTK350), 4) instructor’s title and name, university name, and due date.
No late Submissions will be accepted for the Management Competency Journal.
The assigned cases and self-assessments that will comprise your Management Competency Journal are:
Chapter 1 Case – Improving Health By Getting Lean
Chapter 2 Self-Assessment – Are You Introverted or Extroverted?
Chapter 3 Self-Assessment – How Much Does Work Define Your Self-Concept?
Chapter 4 Case – Rough Seas On the Link650
Chapter 14 Case – Hilton’s Transformation
Chapter 5 Self-Assessment – Need Strength Questionnaire
Chapter 6 Self-Assessment – What Is Your Attitude Toward Money?
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment – Measuring Your Creative Personality
Chapter 8 Case – ARBRECORP LTEE
Chapter 9 Self-Assessment – Are You an Active Listener?
Chapter 10 Case – Resonus Corporation
Chapter 11 Self-Assessment – What is Your Preferred Conflict Handling Style?
Chapter 12 Case – A Window On Life
Chapter 13 Case – Merritt’s Bakery
Chapter 15 Self-Assessment – Are You Tolerant of Change?
Formatting Instructions:
• Include all cases and self-‐assessments in one .doc or .docx document
• Include your name as Header
• Identify the Chapter number and Title for each of the cases and self-assessments
• Restate the question you are answering
• Bold the questions; Single-space the questions and your responses; double space between paragraphs and questions
40.Paper details:
Management Competency Journal (15%):
Each chapter in the text has cases and self-assessment exercises. In this course you are required to prepare a journal in which you record what you have learned from completing each of the assigned cases and exercises. The Management Competency Journal is where you should demonstrate that you have mastered and can apply course concepts. It is not enough to just list your answers.
For “Case Studies,” read the case and then answer the questions at the end of the case be sure and apply the relevant course concepts as appropriate. Be sure to apply chapter concepts/models and also include the Case Questions in bold along with your answers.
For “Exercises” be sure that you discuss what you have learned about you. You are not required to duplicate or copy each exercise, just read and comply with the instructions for that particular exercise. Be sure to apply chapter concepts/models and give your score for each exercise as part of your discussion.
Again, a well thought out and complete response to each case/self-assessment applies concepts/models from the text to fully support your analysis. Expected length for responses is 1-2 complete paragraphs per question.
Submit this assignment through the Assignments Course link. DO NOT email any assignments to me unless specifically instructed to do so. The due date for the Organizational Culture Case Study will be posted in the Assignments Course Link.
The entire Management Competency Journal will be submitted in one doc or docx file at the end of the semester. See the assignment course link for the due date.
The cover sheet will contain the following information: 1) “My Journal,” 2) student’s name, 3) course title and designator (e.g., Organizational Behavior and Administration, MGTK350), 4) instructor’s title and name, university name, and due date.
No late Submissions will be accepted for the Management Competency Journal.
The assigned cases and self-assessments that will comprise your Management Competency Journal are:
Chapter 1 Case – Improving Health By Getting Lean
Chapter 2 Self-Assessment – Are You Introverted or Extroverted?
Chapter 3 Self-Assessment – How Much Does Work Define Your Self-Concept?
Chapter 4 Case – Rough Seas On the Link650
Chapter 14 Case – Hilton’s Transformation
Chapter 5 Self-Assessment – Need Strength Questionnaire
Chapter 6 Self-Assessment – What Is Your Attitude Toward Money?
Chapter 7 Self-Assessment – Measuring Your Creative Personality
Chapter 8 Case – ARBRECORP LTEE
Chapter 9 Self-Assessment – Are You an Active Listener?
Chapter 10 Case – Resonus Corporation
Chapter 11 Self-Assessment – What is Your Preferred Conflict Handling Style?
Chapter 12 Case – A Window On Life
Chapter 13 Case – Merritt’s Bakery
Chapter 15 Self-Assessment – Are You Tolerant of Change?
Formatting Instructions:
• Include all cases and self-‐assessments in one .doc or .docx document
• Include your name as Header
• Identify the Chapter number and Title for each of the cases and self-assessments
• Restate the question you are answering
• Bold the questions; Single-space the questions and your responses; double space between paragraphs and questions
Paper details:
This week we explored contemporary issues in rural sociology. What were some of the major similarities between Hillyard and Sherman’s discussions on contemporary issues? How did they differ? Which issues struck you as the most interesting? Why? 250 words minimum, APA, 12 point font. Proper grammar and punctuation. Cite your sources as well as the text books Deadline is 3/27/2016 Dr. Lupo
Writer the information for Hillyard is from chapter 2, I do not have a book link for Shermans book: “Those Who Work, Those Who Don,t. Poverty, Morality, And Family In Rural America.(2006) Publisher-Minnesota Press. I have found this link below that will give a view of all the chapters. Please glean from info from chapter 1 in the book. Please use what you can and cite the book with the above information given.,+Those+Who+Work,+Those+Who+Don’t%3A+Poverty,+Morality…-a0256684793
The Sociology of Rural Life free text book
Writer I can be reached by email