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Qulaity engineering

Paper details:
Coursework requirements
1- Problem definition.
2- Gauge R&R.
3- Conclusion of R&R.
4- Life data of after the R&R
5- Analysis of measurements.
6- Fudge factor, SPC chart,
7- Conclusion. (What did the data say/what we understand from the data?
8- SPC, T chart for comparisons between the 2 companies
9- Investigate the dimensions and weight between them,
10- Sample, average and standard deviation
11- Analysis scattered diagram of the data
12- design of experiment, quality control and Taguchi methods
13- SPC T test, for comparison between the companies
14- sample, average and standard deviation
15- investigate the dimensions and the weight
16- scattered diagrams
17- Plan, Do, Check, Act

18- Check sheets,Histograms
Pareto diagrams
Scatter diagrams
Cause and effect
Control charts

19- “Speak with data”
So, when should we use each of them?

20- is there a relation between the width and length of the eggs with regards of the weight?( the higher the dimensions the higher the weight?

21- which company is better in maintaining their process control among those? ASDA or COOPERATIVE

1.0 Introduction:
2.0 The product:
2.1 Pack Size

2.2 Product Nutritional Information
Table 1: Nutritional information of ASDA and cooperative EGGS
3.0 Procedure of the experiment:
3.1 Procedure used in carrying out Gauge R&R
4.0 Measurement:
5.0 Measuring device:
5.1 Basic information about the electronic scale:
6.0 R&R gauge calculations:
7.0 Causes for the variation in weight:
8.0 Process capability:
8.1 Process capability calculations:
8.1.1 X-bar control Chart:
8.1.2 R control chart:
9.0 Quality Improvements:
10.0 Conclusion:
Appendix 1:

The aim of this project is to analysis the data variation of (ASDA and Cooperative eggs company) and detailed analysis using quality engineering techniques. It’s also to advance understanding of the two company variation integrated in their design, particular on its weight length and width

is their a British standard for large eggs?

Charts, diagrams and proper referencing needed

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