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: EdDCP Comprehensive Examination

: EdDCP Comprehensive Examination
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I have to have part 1 by NOON ON MONDAY MARCH 14 then part 2 by TUESDAY MARCH 15 at 7 PM

It is important to note that I will add additional details in the next 10 hours to assist after my study group. I have so much here for you to get started but I will have helpful things for you a bit later so check you email in the next 8 -10 hours. Also tomorrow for more suggestions.

You will have to write at doctoral level which you have showed me you can. You have to write at exemplary the number 4 level. I have also included a rubric to look at after you write each section.

Make sure you address each question within the question

Read all attachments becasuse they all will help you.

Be sure to have scholarly references and atleast 20 for each section

Pay particular attention to the second vignette as I know it will be graded harder

Time is critical and must be completed on time. Let me know if I can help in any way

YOu must have to DSM V I will try to attach but you can get on line as well because it is a large book

It is very important that you read all the attachments before starting the comps and being sure to follow the instructions precisely.
Before selecting a diagnosis please read through DSM V and be sure that the client meets the criteria as written. This paper must be 20 pages for part I question 1 and 20 pages for part II. There are two separate vignettes: the clinical and the research vignette. Please be sure to have a reference page at the end of each section and number the pages accordingly (see attachment titled COMPS SAMPLE OF PASSING PAPER). Each section should have at minimum 20 references for each part of the comps exam. This is not a creative writing paper so be sure that you do more citing than anything. There should be a couple of sentences of your words and more of scholarly citations than anything. In every paragraph it should only be 1-2 sentences that are “you.” Everything else in the paragraph must be cited and utilize scholarly research. Most of the paragraph must be quoted and paraphrased and cited with scholarly people who agree with what and support what you have said.
Things you MUST do:
• Write in 3rd person
• Use APA 6th edition style with 1 inch margin, double-spaced, 12 font, with reference at end of each section
• Write scholarly and concisely
• Run spell checker at end of paper and must be on doctoral level
• Use multicultural competence
• Use DSM V not DSM IV
• Complete in the three days allotted
• Make sure there is no plagiarism! The paper will ran through Turnitin.com by examiners
• Answer each little question within each question
• Refer to writer as Mental Health Professional and be consistent throughout the paper
• Refer to Mental Status Exam (MSE) (Particularly in the assessment section)
• Give and brief synopsis/summary of the vignette before beginning to answer the questions at the start
• Write out each question before starting to answer and begin a new page for each new question
• I strongly encourage you to outline each section to be sure everything is addressed and plug in each part to the rubric so that you earn a “4” in each section. Please read RUBRIC thoroughly before starting.
• Mention that multicultural will help understand treatment plan especially in the assessment part
• Be sure to tie in cultural piece where appropriate
• Answer all questions in their entirety
• Facts only not creative writing
• Stick to what is asked and do not write about other stuff in section where inappropriate – relevance
• Earning 4s is critical so see rubric
• Have someone read over a third party when done
• Do not be redundant – DO NOT SAY THINGS OVER AND OVER but before sure to mention things that are important in each section even if required to be said in more than one section
• Do not be wordy to buy space or waste writing time/space…for example, based on the fact that, at the present time, for the purpose of etc.
• Research must not be over 10 years, has to be current
• Multidisciplinary team – who interacts with the client.MD, Psychologist, case manager, social worker
• Once you select a diagnosis be sure that the approach you use is appropriate for the symptoms and the particular diagnosis. For example CBT is one approach that can be pretty much used for most issues.

1. Be sure to give a short summary / synopsis before starting this section see details on page 2-3 on sample paper that passed—although details from that sample are far different some of it does resemble
2. Speak on Mental Status Exam (MSE) in detail
3. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a good tool although you can choose another tool if you think it works better to access for Depression
4. The Beck Anxiety Inventory for anxiety (BAI)
5. Be sure you look at all the symptoms and state the symptoms that lead you to your diagnosis, you may find other things to mention outside of anxiety and depression
6. Speak about suicidal/homicidal and tools to access for that
7. Consider other too ls you deep needed
8. If you going to administer the MMPI cannot administer as a professional health clinician at this level would have to refer out to a psychologist for personality testing so any tools that are important mention and say who would have to do them
9. Just like when it comes to administering medication, at this level we would have to refer out to a medical doctor because as MFT or a clinician at this level do not have authority to prescribe medication
10. Mention that multicultural will help understand in treatment plan later on
11. Tie in cultural as well
1. Please be sure to good New DSM V format for diagnosis and the proper way to write out narrative. No longer use axis. Refer to pages 8-13 is sample passing paper attachment for details to look at. Think about anxiety, depression and the history of trauma although I don’t think it means PTSD in this case. Check it out to confirm.
2. Write out everything in the diagnosis except axis 5, the GAF no longer exist
3. List diagnosis in order of severity with codes, some key things are insomnia, lack of appetite and his mommy issues
4. No GAF any more
5. Use DMS codes
6. Refer to pages 8-13 in the paper that pass attachment just as a reference
7. Mention medical issues and discuss and if there are no medical issues be sure to say there are no medical issues
8. Include Bio Psycho Social
9. When it comes to criteria state them, for example if it states you must meet three out of four state that and state what they are
10. Consider everything and make mention of possibilities and back with citations…back up everything with scholarly references
1. Explain CBT
2. Look at pages 14-16 of paper that pass attachment
3. Use best practices theory for diagnosis you provide
4. Make a good argument for whatever you select
Theoretical Grounded Treatment
1. Look at pages 17-21 of the paper pass attachment; be original in your thoughts and content as it relates to my specific vignette however
2. Create safely, then talk about quality of life
3. What we going to do with them
4. What are the main things we need to address
5. Must get them safe first
6. Must look at ethnicity and diagnosis to determine treatment i.e. PTSD individual therapy first before group therapy have to look at the culture too
Research Portion
1. Separate vignette
2. Look at pages 22-23
3. Consider factors like client cannot sit still in session
4. Discuss mom and ambivalence
5. Speak about CBT and anxiety
6. Speak about CBT and depression
7. Speak about CBT and Native Americans
8. Address any other diagnosis you may consider prior with CBT
9. Must be able to apply and cite appropriately
10. Qualitative or Quantitative
11. Only demonstrate what you are knowledgeable about and what fits the vignette
12. Limits of research think about CBT and males and CBT with social issues is good because offers group therapy
13. BE sure to talk about the steps if applicable of SBT in the correct section of the paper as well
Ethics and Culture
1. Look at pages 28-32
2. Definitely look at the ACA codes of Ethics and address all that apply. I also attached the codes in a file
3. Different culture so need to think about experience with this culture and “cultural competence” keep in mind I am a 47 year African American female
4. Confidentiality
5. Duty to warn
6. Cultural issues
7. Spiritual beliefs
8. Be sure to refer to ACA code of ethics in the attachment
Interpersonal Effectiveness – Self Awareness
1. Keep in mind here I am a 47 year old African American female and mother of a 22 year old son. I too has mommy issues and she was on drugs and she was depressed.
2. Look at pages 24-27
1. Look at pages of 33-34 and pages 35-37 of sample of passing paper
2. Think about the fact that client is native American
Research Vignette
1. Write 20 pages for this part
2. Consider using Qualitative unless you really feel you have a great handle on Quantitative
3. Refer to pages 41-56 of the sample
4. Purpose of study
5. Literature review
6. Research questions
7. Limitation of methodology
8. Assumptions
9. Limitations
10. Participants
11. Data collections
12. Data analysis
13. Ethical considerations
14. Implications
15. Conclusion
16. Any other pertinent information you think it’s necessary to get this section done do a bit a research on the second part


Clinical Vignette
Utilize this scenario for responses to Qs 1-9.
Jacob is a 29-year old Native American male from the Cherokee Nation who came to your college campus psychology office after his art instructor told him he ‘needed to get some help’. Jacob reports having a ‘hard time’ making friends and interacting in social situations. Jacob shares that he really respects his art instructor and has been very successful artistically, but does not have any other close friends. Jacob has an undergraduate degree in Graphic Arts and is currently in his graduate degree program in the same field. He describes feeling confident in his ‘art’, but is lonely, depressed, and worried most of the time. He says he worries a lot about his future.
He reports that he has not been able to get a job, even part time, other than doing peoples portraits because he is too anxious and “people piss me off”. When asked how they piss him off he states “they act like I am some kind of freak always judging me”. His current financial support comes from student loans and tribal stipends. He lives alone off campus and spends all his extra time and money buying canvases, paints, and making art. He denies any current homicidal or suicidal ideations.
Jacob is appropriately groomed and dressed in blue jeans and a plaid shirt. There is a strong smell of tobacco on Jacob’s person. His jeans are shorter than his legs and oversized. Jacob is tall and slim. Hi has short dark brown hair and green eyes. He has a bright tense affect with a fixed gaze. His hands and sometimes his body tremble while he speaks. He is unable to sit still during the session and constantly shifts from one hip to another. When sharing about feeling lonely his eyes well with tears. He says that he wants to not feel so lonely, sad, or worried anymore and he wants to look forward to his future instead of ‘dreading it’.
Jacob reports having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep most nights. He shares that he also forgets to eat many days, but eventually will eat something. He reports no outstanding medical conditions from childhood or currently. Jacob self-reports being in good health with no alcohol use. Jacob does smoke 1-2 packs of cigarettes daily.
Jacob states that he is attracted to girls, but is afraid to talk to them. He shares that when they talk to him he is too nervous to talk back and ends up walking away. He has never had a girlfriend or been in a serious relationship. Jacob shares that he masturbates daily while watching pornography. He denies any childhood sexual abuse, but reports lying naked with his father who was also naked in bed after his baths up until he was 13 years old. “Nothing ever happened, we were just sleeping”. When asked why it stopped at 13 years old he replies “I don’t remember”.
Jacob reports his parents divorced when he was 15 years old. He reports his mom was depressed and she would not eat, sleep or take care of herself for days. If he tried to talk to her or comfort her she would fly into a rage and yell at him and sometimes hit him. He remembers one time when he was 9 and his dad was at work she used an extension cord to beat him because he ‘disturbed her sleep’. “When dad got home he was so mad at her, but he didn’t do anything but yell at her. We didn’t leave and he didn’t make her leave” When asked if he went to the hospital he replied “no my grandma and dad took care of me, it only cut me on a couple of places on my legs, the rest were just bruises’. He reports limited contact with his mother now because ‘she had so many problems, I don’t really look at her like a mom, she is in worse shape than I ever have been, besides she lives on the streets and I never know how to contact her’.
His dad was the primary caretaker for him growing up. “Dad would make sure I went to school and did my chores. He was hard to please and nothing I ever did was right. If I made a B in school it should have been an A and if I did my chores, they weren’t right”. Jacob goes on to report the consequences would be to stay in his room for hours alone. “Eventually I liked staying alone”. “My grandma always took good care of me, but she died last year. She lived with us off and on while I was growing up, just to help take care of me. She didn’t really talk much; she would just look at me and know how I was feeling. I really miss her”.
Jacob reports doing well academically in school, but was bullied by his peers. “They called me names and tried to pick fights with me, I would just try to ignore them, but it hurt. I didn’t have the good clothes and money like they did. I would just keep to myself as much as possible”. He reports really enjoying going to college and his art classes ‘the only time I feel like everything is going to be ok is when I’m painting’.
Please compose a well-written and organized essay in response to each of the following questions. When writing your essays, please
1. Use university-approved APA Style, with 1-inch margin, double-spaced, 12 font, with a reference list at the end
2. Write clearly and concisely
3. Cite appropriate, and especially current, literature (empirical and/or theoretical)
4. Avoid all sexist idioms and allusions
5. Remember to demonstrate your multicultural competence where appropriate, not just the “multicultural issue” sub-question.
1. Assessment: What assessment would you conduct to enhance your understanding of the client(s) and the problems and direct your diagnostic formation? In addition, what formal assessment procedures (either conducted by you or by someone you refer) would enhance your understanding of the problems and direct your treatment planning? Why?
2. Diagnosis: Develop a differential diagnosis. What are your diagnostic considerations? Indicate why you are considering these possible diagnoses by providing specific evidence from the vignette. Be sure to include relevant information from the vignette to support your answer and give a 5-axis diagnosis (including use of V codes) at the end of this question. What additional information do you need for each of the possible diagnoses in order to confirm your diagnoses and rule out the others?
3. Theory – Theoretical Conceptualization: Using the diagnosis you developed above, provide ONE theoretically grounded case conceptualization for Jacob (either individual or family system theory). In other words, offer at least one theoretical explanation of what had caused the symptoms displayed by your client (why does your client have these symptoms).
4. Theoretically Grounded Treatment: Develop at least one therapeutic treatment plan for Jacob based on your theoretical conceptualization above. Please make sure you identify the name of the theory your treatment plan is based on, using appropriate headings.
5. Provide the empirical evidence with appropriate citations to support your choice of theory and treatment plan in working with this client. Be sure to discuss the effectiveness and limitations in working with this particular client (including effectiveness/limitations in working with this particular client’s background using the above theories and treatment plans)
6. What might be some of the transference and countertransference issues between Jacob and you? What are your areas of growth (what do you need to work on) in working with this client?
Using an ethical decision making model, answer the following,
7. What are the ethical and legal dilemmas this vignette introduced? What would be your immediate steps and why? Please be specific. Make sure you describe your process of ethical decision making and the solutions/consequences this process might lead to.
8. Given Jacobs’s ethnicity and background, what factors or cultural considerations would you take into account in rendering diagnoses, case conceptualization, and treatment planning? What other cultural factors may be salient for this client?
9. What are the relevant multicultural theories and/or models in working with this client? Discuss how you would incorporate them in your work with Jacob.

Research Vignette
You are employed as a University Psychologist at a mid-sized Campus Counseling Center. The Academic Provost has asked you to conduct a study of incidents of violence among students who seek out counseling services. The Provost has concerns related to recent mass school shootings and wants to assess the level of violence that occurs on the Campus currently. The Provost cautions you to be mindful of student confidentiality and ensure stringent consents are obtained before moving forward with the research. Design a research study that measures the types and impacts of violence that students currently experience on campus over a one year period. Funding has been obtained through private grants to assist in compensating your efforts. You are excited about this project and anxious to get started. Please describe your research design, including the kind of measure you would use, the kind of analyses you would do, and the resulting evidence and conclusions you would report to your Provost.
Your design should be responsive to salient social, cultural, and ethical dimensions. The study could be Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed method. At the beginning of your response, please identify your chosen methodology (Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed method).
Develop one or more testable research questions. Make sure to include discussion on your study design, procedures, target population sample, data collection and analysis, and possible limitations to your study. Lastly, make sure to include discussions on relevant ethical and multicultural issues.

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