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Economic development Case

Order DescriptionWrite a study blog on local economic development or the impact of globalization on U.S. economy and discuss the role government played in the case .You may identify such a case as reported in newspapers, such as The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and The Press-Enterprise or from other media of your choice (e.g., CNN, YouTube, BBC, etc.). YOU MUST PROVIDE A LINK FOR THE ARTICLE. Due before class 19 – MARCH 15th

Your case blog should be approximately 500~1000 word long. Insert pictures or videos to enhance your presentation as this is part of the grading ruberic. In you blog, you must provide a brief description of the following: describe the case, identify the role government played, and analyze the economic impact to the community.

Instruction to blog: click Economic Development Case Blog, then click Create Blog Entry, type in your blog title and your blog content, finally click Post Entry (you can save your entry as draft and modify your blog before Post). [Please do not attach file.]
How to start the second writing assignment:
Look for an example of economic development (definition found in Chapter 8) OR the impact of globalization (found in chapter 11). Examples from class included: Victoria Gardens, Temecula wine region, the Mission Inn, The San Manual Stadium, etc. An easy way to find cases is to scan local newspapers like the Los Angeles Time, the San Bernardino Sun, and The Press Enterprise. Use their search engines with basic terms such as “economic development”. The more specific your search, the more you can find.
Remember that the paper MUST focus on the ROLE OF GOVERNMENT not just your opinion.
You need to briefly (1) describe the case, (2) identify the role government has played in the case, and (3) analyze the economic impact on the community.
Make sure you identify where the source of information came from. Citation is important to the assignment. If you are using direct quotes, they must be in quotations and properly cited.
DO NOT simply copy and paste an article! We are able to identify plagiarism and if you plagiarize, you will receive a zero.
Scoring Rubric for Economic Development Case Study



Provides an accurate and complete description of the case. All sources of facts and examples fully documented (2 pt.)

Writer presents information in logical, interesting sequence which reader can follow. (2 pt.)

Graphics / Visual Aids
Writer’s graphics and videos explain and reinforce text and presentation. (2 pt.)
Writer provides excellent analysis of the role of government and the economic impact of the case supported by evidence. (2 pt.)

Length of case study
About 500~1000 words with substantially all material covered and little extraneous material. (2 pt.)

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