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Review of Literature on RTI Principles and Interventions.

Paper details:Apply what you are learning in this course by researching 3 peer-reviewed articles through the BSU library data base (or you can use some of the articles found in Blackboard).
These articles may be literature reviews OR other research-based writing.

Articles must have been published in the last 10 years. Recommendations would be to check through the following journals: Preventing School Failure, Teaching Exceptional Children, Exceptional Children, Reading and Writing Quarterly, Journal of Psycho-educational Assessment; Preventing and Remediating Academic Failure; The Reading Teacher; Journal of Disabilities Policy Studies; Behavioral Disorders, International Journal of Inclusive Education, or Journal of Emotional Behavioral Disorders. There are many other quality journals, both print and online. If you find another journal you would like to review, PRIOR instructor permission is required. Note: BSU does not subscribe to all of these journals, but if you find an article you would like to review, you can request it – this takes a few days, so it is recommended you start this process EARLY!

In your review, you must include the following:
Section 1: Introduction. Introduce your paper by stating what you hoped to find in the articles you were reviewing, your philosophy of RTI implementation, and your plan to implement or improve RTI in your class and school. Focus on how you would apply the principles regarding learning stages and choose interventions. Your review may be general (all tiers) or more specific (focused on a single tier). This should be 2-4 paragraphs.
Section 1: ___/10 points
Section 2: Article reviews of 3 separate articles. For each article, provide a 3-5 paragraph summary of the study and key findings (what type of study/lit review, what methods were used, what the findings and recommendations were). Each article should include a subheading with the article’s APA reference, then the summary of the article (this is different than usual APA style, so be sure to follow these guidelines. Include the reference also in your reference page at the end of the paper). (10 points possible per article).
Article 1: ___/10 pts
Article 2: ___/10 pts
Article 3: ___/10 pts
Section 3: Conclusion. Summarize in 5-10 paragraphs how you could incorporate all you have learned in the articles to better support students and/or staff through the RTI process (focusing on overall organization and interventions, but including other components as you would like) in your classroom and school.
Section 3: ___/10 points.
Style: Review will be graded on content, use of person-first language, strength of discussion, use of APA style. Use sub-headings to divide your paper. Include a title page and reference page following APA style.
Style: ___/10 points.
Note: this scoring guide/assignment description must be self-scored and attached to the front of your paper before your cover page (note the difference from APA style). Failure to do so will result in 5 points being deducted from your paper.

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