: Apply to Virginia School of Dentistry
Paper details:
1- What are you looking for in a dental school and why did you choose to apply to the VCU School of Dentistry?
2- If accepted, what qualities will you bring the to the VCU International Dentist Program and dental class?
3- Discuss one activity or experience you listed in your CAAPID application that provides evidence of your leadership skills or self-initiative. (Hint: I worked as a dentist in underserved communities after graduation)
4- Discuss your contributions to your community. Focus on any special skills or insight you have gained or developed, and how this will influence you as a practicing dentist.
5- In what areas do you feel you have capacity for self-improvement?
6- Tell us why you should be chosen for admission to the VCU School of Dentistry over other applicants who may have similar experiences and qualifications.