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Students are to use the Bio-PychoSocialSpiritual Assessment & the below details provided and complete the following using Standard English grammar, spelling and punctuation plus standard APA style citations and references. As the social worker, you need to establish a relationship to facilitate helping with a person who you will identify as “client”. Describe the kind of professional social work relationship you will need to establish with this client and how you will go about establishing this relationship. Your intervention efforts will derive from mutually established goals. State what these goals should be. Consider diversity issues and value dilemmas.

Information is needed to help this client explore alternatives. This initial interview will most likely involve the completion of the Bio-PychoSocialSpiritual Assessment with your selected client. Discuss the additional information needed to help this client with his/her problem and how he/she can understand explored options regarding the problem. Your social work texts, class lectures, and library readings will provide ideas about the information you need.
There are several alternatives resolutions available for your client’s problem. Questions to ask and explore should include the following:
1. What are the major alternative potential solutions to this client’s situation?
2. What are the positive and negative aspects of each alternative?
3. What is the impact of rural issues on the problem as well as the solution?

You should also list the overarching constraints such as, family relationships, economic conditions, religious factors, etc., that might affect this clients’ decisions.
You should also discuss the option (s) that you believe the client will select based on knowledge obtained from the social work process and that is/are best for resolving the client’s situation. Discuss the rationale underlying the client’s selection of this option. Remember that the client must make and live with this decision. Show how you will help the client implement the decision. You should also discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with cultural, economic and emotional relationship as well as family and other issues that emerge.
I will upload all the information with the client that I have interview. I have already interviewed the client.

APA Review Workshop & Major Project/Paper Review

1. Title Page
Your title page should contain a running head, title, author name and school affiliation. Learn more about writing an APA format title page.
• The title page is the first page of your psychology paper.
• To make a good first impression, it is important to have a well-formatted title page in proper APA format that clearly represents your paper.
Elements of a Title Page

• Running head
o A running head should be included in the upper left hand corner on all pages, including the title page.
• Page number
• Article title
• Authors name
• Author’s school affiliation

Other Elements

• All pages, including the title page, should also have a page number located in the upper right hand corner.

• The first line of your title page should be left-aligned at the top of the page, using the following format:

• Your title, name and school should be double-spaced and centered on the page.
2. Abstract
An abstract is a summary of your paper that immediately follows your title page. Per APA format, your abstract should be no more than 150 to 250 words, although this can vary depending upon the specific publication or instructor requirements. You also utilize the “Key words” as part of your abstract. Learn more about writing an APA format abstract.

3. The Main Body
For something like an essay, the main body of your paper will include the actual essay itself. If you are writing a lab report, then your main body will be broken down into further sections. The four main components of a lab report include an introduction, method, results, and discussion sections.

4. References
The reference section of your paper will include a list of all the sources that you used in your paper.
Reference Pages
a) Your references should begin on a new page. Title the new page “References” and center the title text at the top of the page.
b) All entries should be in alphabetical order.
c) The first line of a reference should be flush with the left margin. Each additional line should be indented (usually accomplished by using the TAB key.)
d) While earlier versions of APA format required only one space after each sentence, the new sixth-edition of the style manual now recommends two spaces.
e) The reference section should be double-spaced.
f) All sources cited should appear both in-text and on the reference page. Any reference that appears in the text of your report or article must be cited on the references page, and any item appearing on your reference page must be also included somewhere in the body of your text.
g) Titles of books, journals, magazines, and newspapers should appear in italics.

Use Standard English grammar, spelling and punctuation plus standard APA style citations and references per the APA 6th edition.

Assignment: As the social worker, you need to establish a relationship to facilitate helping. Describe the kind of professional Social Work relationship you will need to establish with this client and how you will go about establishing this relationship. Your intervention efforts will derive from mutually established goals. State what these goals should be. Consider diversity issues and value dilemmas.

1. Information is needed to help this client explore alternatives.
o Describe the kind of professional Social worker relationship you will need to establish with this client.
I will be honest and not make false promises for Jamie Doe.
I will assist the client with any issues she may be having.
I will need to be resourceful and trustworthiness.
If I am unable to assist the client, I will tell them why.
I will make sure that the client knows that the conversation will be confidential and they can trust the next social worker with the case.
o How you will go about establishing this relationship
I will work in a professional setting and make sure the client feels comfortable and wanted.
I will listen to all the client problems with full interest.

2. This initial interview has provided information.
3. What additional information is needed to help this client understand explored options?
• Your social work texts, class lectures, and library readings provide ideas about the information you need.
4. There are several alternatives resolutions available for this client’s problem, identify them.
5. What are the major alternative potential solutions to this client’s situation?
6. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of each alternative.
7. What is the impact of rural issues?
8. List the overarching constraints (family relationships, economic conditions, religious factors, etc.) that might affect this clients’ decision.
9. Choose the option that you believe the client will select based on knowledge obtained from the social work process and that is best for resolving the situation.
10. Discuss the rationale underlying the client’s selection of this option.
• Remember that the client must make and live with this decision.
11. Show how you will help the client implement the decision.
12. Discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with cultural issues that emerged, if applicable.
13. Discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with economic issues that emerged, if applicable.
14. Discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with emotional relationship issues that emerged.
15. Discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with family and issues that emerged.
16. Discuss ways in which you will help the client deal with other issues that emerge.

Thoughts for your paper
This paper will detail my interview with client’s name on Sunday, February 19, 2017, from 12:00 am to 4:00 pm at the library located at 1214 Any Man St. The interview was a face to face interview with client. The client who will also be referred to as john doe is a nineteen-year-old African-American single unmarried female, who is the third child of mother and father ages 53 and 51. Client currently lives with her maternal grandmother, Ms. Grandma because of the current conflict with her mother. Prior to living with her maternal grandmother, Clients lived with her maternal aunt, Ms. B because her mother lost custody of all her children due to drug use when Client was approximately eight or nine. Jamie reported not remaining with her aunt Beatrice because of strange treatment she perceived to be receiving because she was no longer able to contribute to the household due to her check being cut off.

I will upload the client information once I select a writer.

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