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Guidelines for Interesting Things Assignment
For this portion of the class, your learning will depend on whether you have done the assigned reading, thought about it, and have something to say or to ask about the material. Therefore, for each class meeting where there is an assigned reading due, you will each be responsible for finding something interesting in the reading for us to discuss. Consider yourself to be keeping a double-entry journal.
What to do:
1. Read the assigned chapter/s from HtLR and the required text from Literature: A Portable Anthology.
2. In a paragraph that is no less than 150, investigate the ways in which the concepts or patterns Thomas C. Foster explores apply to the text we are reading in class.
3. Find a minimum of three interesting passages in the assigned reading, and write or type out the interesting passage as a direct quotation, including its page number. These passages should be a section of the text (a description, a comment by a character or the author) that meets any of the following criteria:
• Describes a crucial plot point
• Gives key information about a character or change in a character
• Sums up the main idea of the text
• Reveals insight into a theme of the text
• Highlights a symbol in the text
• Connects to the history of the culture producing the text
• Employs figurative language or imagery in a particularly
engaging/evocative manner.
• You just really, REALLY like it.

4. Following each of the interesting passages, give me a thoughtful, short paragraph on what you find interesting in the passage, including perhaps how it connects to larger issues in the reading or the class. In other words, explain why you chose that passage. You can:
• Explain why the passage is important to the text
• Point out a technique the author is using
• Connect the passage to a real-life event ‒ either in general history, or in your own life
• Connect the passage to another piece of literature.

5. Your paragraphs must be tied explicitly to the relevant text by citation; each interesting thing must include specific page-number references or you get no credit at all.
6. Having typed both these things, print them out and bring the paper to class. All Interesting Things assignments are due at the beginning of class. No late submissions are acceptable at all. Each one of these assignments is worth 40 points.
7. Double-space your work, and include your name, the class time, the instructor’s name, and the assignment title at the top left of the pages of the assignment (make sure you write down the number of the IT assignment). Upload the assignment to Moodle.
I will evaluate your assignments based on the quality of your questions or points, and clarity of presentation (find below a tentative rubric to guide you). Please follow the conventions of Standard English as you write.
Rubric for IT Assignment
This rubric is based on a response of anywhere from 100-150 words for each entry.

Grade/Points Comprehension Content and Quality Mechanics
40-36 A Demonstrates a complete understanding and interpretation of text.
Paragraphs are thorough, insightful, and raise thought-provoking points.
Paragraphs are coherent with no grammatical errors.
35-32 B Demonstrates adequate understanding and interpretation of text
Paragraphs are fairly thorough and are thoughtful.
Paragraphs are coherent with only some grammatical errors that do not affect reader’s comprehension.
31-28 C Demonstrates some understanding and interpretation of text.
Paragraphs are superficial, incomplete, or irrelevant.
Some grammatical errors that affect reader’s comprehension.
27 and below
D-F Demonstrates very limited understanding and interpretation of text
A good faith attempt has not been made to respond to the text
Severe grammatical errors that completely interfere with reader’s comprehension.

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