Write a one to two-page, double-space report that provides the results of your interview with a prosecuting attorney. Include the following:
a. Name, title, date, time and address of the prosecuting attorney.
b. What is the importance of a criminal investigator’s testimony in court and an explanation why this testimony can make or break a case?
c. Explanation why some cases are not prosecuted.
d. Tips for a criminal investigator for providing expert witness testimony. Good and bad habits the prosecutor has witnessed during a law enforcement officers’ testimony.
e. Keys to testifying during cross-examination.
f. The impact of Brady v. Maryland and Giglio v. United States in his/her prosecutions.
Compose a proper business letter to the prosecutor you interviewed thanking him or her for the time spent with you on the interview. Mail or hand deliver one copy of the letter to the prosecutor AND submit one copy to the dropbox with this assignment.
Write a reflection of what you learned from this interview and what you have learned from this class.
Essay report