In the Lesson 5 Assignment, you will read and view the inaugural addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama. You will examine and evaluate their use of reasoning.
Additionally, you will be begin mapping the arguments you will make, using the supporting material developed in Lesson 4, in preparation for the Rhetorical Situation speech activity.
This lesson’s assignment has two parts. Please be sure to complete both parts in a single Word document and submit it to complete the assignment.
Part I: Reasoning in the Inaugural Address
Read and view the three specified inaugural addresses. Then, answer the following questions in an essay of 600–800 words:
Drawing on and citing Chapter 6, what were the general and specific purposes of each speech?
Drawing on and citing Chapter 8, identify the types of reasoning used in claims to achieve those purposes.
o Identify the claim. If there is more than one claim, just choose one for this exercise.
o Identify any supporting material used to support the claim.
o Identify the type of reasoning used to justify the claim and explain how it uses the supporting material to make the claim.
Use and cite the three additional assigned readings for this Lesson, as well as the textbook. The additional sources are the articles by Ryan, Kenny, and Frank. You may also use other sources if desired. If you do, they must be scholarly (peer reviewed) sources. Newspapers, available online, can provide supplemental information, but only use newspaper articles that were written around the time of the speech. Many government and non-government agencies publish documents available online as primary sources. Other webpages, especially social media, blogs, and news aggregators, lack the editorial review oversight that makes published information reliable and acceptable. Wikipedia can help you orient your academic search, but it is not technically a scholarly source.