This is the final paper.
The final proposal should be 10-15 pages in length and must include all elements previously drafted in their penultimate version and, in addition, include an abstract and a discussion section. Be sure to edit your final product completely for spelling, grammar and clarity of expression; be certain that proper APSA citation formatting has been used appropriately and consistently throughout
Hello, You have said in the lit review that Saudi Arabia supported isis with out any prof or trusted source, Saudi arabia did not supported isis or al qaeda because there is no proven source prove what you are saying. Also Saudi arabia did support the jihadist in afgahnistan with usa to free afgahnis from the invade from the soviet union and some of those who we supported 20 years ago we are fighting now because some of them were radicals islamist. Also you said isis is targeting shia’a how is that possible while 99% of the attacks were made by shia’a and the most harmed people they are the sunnis. please revise the litreture review and do the necessary changes. I really appreciated your work. Thanks