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write a rationale for your approach to planning and delivering a peer teaching session linking theory to practice

Course module: Intro to Teaching (PGC Post Compulsory)

Rationale (3000 words) “Write a rationale for your approach to planning and delivering a peer teaching session linking theory to practice”
This is where you explain why you have planned the session in the way that you have. NB: Avoid telling us what’s on your session plan – we will see your plan! The rationale is to be handed in with your session plan at the time of the peer teaching. You will have a chance to make amendments before the final hand-in (e.g. if your tutor gives you any feedback, or if you have any further ideas). Below are some suggested sub-heading (with related questions/issues) which may help you structure your rationale:
• Introduction
– Who are your learners, what do you plan to teach and why?

• Developing subject skills and understanding concepts
– What are the challenges in learning and teaching this topics area?
– What principle of good teaching inform you planning?
– What are likely levels of confidence and other feelings/attitude towards this area of learning?
– Use the literature to support your ideas

• Approaches to learning and teaching
– What learning and teaching activities and methods have you planned, and why?
– How will you organise the learners in your group, and why this way?
– What resources will you use, and why these?
– How will you assess whether learning has occurred and what feedback opportunities have you planned?
– Use the literature to support your decisions

• Managing diversity
– How have you planned to meet individual learning needs and interests?
– Consider the cultural content of the session (including any resources used).
– Will it mean the same to learners regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, etc? How do you plan to manage the diverse experiences and responses in the group?
– Use the literature to support your choices.

Remember to include a References page and an Appendix which will contain a copy of your session plan and any proposed teaching and learning materials which should be signposted with the rationale.

Books for references
“Teaching Skills in Further Education and Adult”
David Minton, 3rd edition, Thomson – 2005 (Possibly reading pages: 22, 48-50, 53, 11, and 112)
“Teaching in Lifelong Learning” A Guide to theory and Practice
Second Edition, Open University, Edited by James Avis, Roy fisher and Ron Thompson. (2015) (Possibly reading pages: 29, 59-76, 127-147, 171-173 and 190-194)
“Practical Teaching” A Guide to teaching in the education and Training Sector. Linda Wilson Cengage Learning (2014) (Possibly reading pages: 187, 218 and 268)
“Teaching, Tutoring and training in the Lifelong Learning Sector” Third edition. (2007) Susan Wallace. (Possibly reading pages: 82-88, 125 and 131)
“Teaching in Further Education” An outline of Principle and Practice. L.B Curzon. Sixth Edition (2003) (Possibly reading pages: 265, 283, 306 and 317)
“Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education Learning, Skills and Standards” Edited by Fred Fawbert (2003) (Possibly reading pages: 1, 36, 69 and 107)
“Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Sector” Jonathan Tummo. Third Edition (2011) (Possibly reading pages: 49)
“Learning to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector” Ewan Ingleby, Dawn Joyce and Sharon Powell (2010) (Possibly reading pages: 91, 110 and 126)

The lesson to deliver to peers

Subject: Media Studies (AS, A-Level)
Topic: The Power of the advertising
Students: Peers (PGCE Post-Compulsory)

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