1. Introduction
You discuss the following
Cloud computing,
Amazon web service,
Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2),
Amazon S3 and
Relational Database Services (RDS),
You talk about performance,
In this paper we will concentrate on Amazon EC2
The purpose/importance of this paper is (you mention it)
2.1. Amazon EC2
2.2. Virtualization
3. Method
Performance evaluation method to measure the performance of t2.medium and i2.xlarge
3.1. Benchmarking details
3.2. Network Performance and Latency (of t2.medium and i2.xlarge and show the result with diagram)
3.3. CPU Performance (of t2.medium and i2.xlarge and show the result with diagram)
3.4. I/O performance (of t2.medium and i2.xlarge and show the result with diagram)
3.5. Cost Analyst
3.6. Performance and Cost Summary
4. Related Work (15 related work )
5. Conclusion
6. References