eadings must be referenced (through paraphrasing and direct quotes) to support your argument. An informal, within text, citation style (Young, p.106) will suffice.* If it comes from class lecture there is no need for citation unless I directly referenced a reading.
Edward Larson wrote about the presidential election of 1800 in a book titled “The Magnificent Catastrophe.” How did that “catastrophe” help to usher in a period of party governance in the United States? What were the other preconditions for reform that occurred after 1800 to finalize the transition between the pre-party and partisan eras, including the rise of a more democratic political culture, territorial expansion, and generational replacement?
*Use the University Reader page numbers or pages from external essays. DO NOT cite as (“Galderisi text, p.106” but, rather, cite the author of the essay, and the page in the reader). You do not need to use any other sources, but, if you do (say, relevant material from another class), please give us a full citation at the end of each essay– either MLS or APA style are fine. Note that almost all if not all of the material must be from this class.
American political development