Can only use primary sources, must be in back-and-forth debate format almost like a conversation. I attached the rubric. Here is general layout: Introduction: Introduce the debate amongst creationists and evolutionists. How this debate is still relevant today and how it came to prominence. Lay out how this debate continues to find its way into the courtroom.
Intro 2: Flesh out what historians say about the subject, specifically the Scopes trial, and how it influences todays rhetoric on cosmology and science.
Meat: This will be the main portion of the paper where the Scopes trial is put in a back-and-forth debate format using primary sources to show how the debate between the two groups went.
What I Say: Explain personal thoughts on the matter and how it ties into understanding current entanglement of religion and politics.
Why This Is Important: How this is relevant today and why we need a firm understanding of how this all happened and the consequences of trials like Scopes (putting Science on trial).
evolution vs. creationism