Critically analyze a concept selected from the list provided by the instructor. To find a concept: click on the theory and concept groups tab for the list of concepts. The concepts are the one word items. Only one student may study any concept per semester. Click on the gray box to sign up for the concept. The gray box goes away once selected and no one else can select that concept.
Students must use the criteria discussed in Walker and Avant Chapter 10 for the concept analysis (there is also an outline of the steps in this module. This formal paper should be 6-8 pages in length excluding cover page, references or any appendices. It is expected that you will structure the paper, cite and reference correctly using APA 6th edition. The grading rubric is attached below. Your paper will automatically be run through Safe Assign upon submission, matching should be less than 15%.
Content of the paper should include the following:
how the concept is critical to nursing
existing definitions/use of the concept in the literature: include the definitions of 3 lay (non-health professional folks) and 3 health professionals, a dictionary definition and a couple definitions from the nursing literature.
defining attributes
antecedents & consequences (discuss what makes what you identified is either an antecedent and consequence)
development of model, borderline and contrary cases (have a paragraph following the case explaining how the defining attributes are present or not present in the case)
two related concepts (compare and contrast each related concept with the concept under analysis)
operational definition (find a tool that measures your concept. Do not pay for one. If you cannot find one after an honest and diligent search, you can create one).
conceptual definition (your conceptual definition that contains all of the defining attributes).
The operational definition I have you do for the concept paper is a little different than the empirical referents in Walker and Avant. Find a survey or questionnaire or other type of tool that measures your concept. In the paper: As stated yesterday, do not pay for one. If you cannot find one after a diligent search, make one up. In the section of the paper, operational definition, briefly discuss your tool. Include a copy of the tool in an appendix, after the references.