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You are Alexander Mackenzie; it is early July 1793. Where are you going and why?

This assignment revolves around Canadian Economics History.

Assignment Details
Word length: 1100 – 1400 words

1. Your assignment should have an introduction (where you briefly lay out the problem you are about to analyse), a main portion (where you do the analysis), and a conclusion.
2. Your assignment must be presented in prose form. You may use the first person if you wish.
3. This is an economics assignment. You need to use economic theory in your answer.
4. Style does count. If I cannot clearly understand what you are trying to communicate to me, I cannot accurately assess how well you understand the material. Having said that, please feel free to use your style guide of choice.
5. I expect you to use at least one source beyond those included on your course outline and reading list. The source may be electronic, but may not be Wikipedia, and must be referenced in-text and in attached referencing page accordingly.

Sources to reference for this assignment: Norrie, Kenneth, Douglas Owram and J.C. Herbert Emery. (2007) A History of the Canadian Economy. Fourth Edition. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Toronto.

McCalla, Douglas and Michael Huberman. (eds.) (1994) Perspectives on Canadian Economic History. Second Edition. Copp Clark Longman, Missisauga.

For historical statistics you can consult the following three sources. Note that the first two sources are not perfect substitutes.

Leacy, F. H. (ed.) (1983) Historical Statistics of Canada. Second Edition. Statistics Canada, Ottawa

Urquhart, M. C. and K. A. Buckley (eds.) (1965) Historical Statistics of Canada. First Edition. Ottawa.

Statistics Canada. National Income and Expenditure Accounts, Volume 1: the Annual Estimates 1926-1974.

Free online versions of some of the above texts can be found with research. Libraries are also a good place to look for them, or appropriate peer reviewed scholarly journals.

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