How strategy is communicated, how it might be communicated and the difference it can make to a range of stakeholders is now becoming an important to companies seeking to refocus and extend their businesses. We are interested in researching how strategy communications happen, their effect on performance outcomes, financial and in terms of reputations and the variety and richness of strategy communications which exist.
Proposal Structure:
When completing your research proposal, please ensure that you include the following:
1. The title of your proposed research and either the chosen department and key cluster topic or chosen department, individual faculty member and non-cluster topic;
2. A justification for why it is worth researching – in other words justify its academic, practical and/or industrial importance. It would be beneficial to explain how your proposed topic goes further than previous research in the overall area;
3. A list of the aim and objectives of the proposed research;
4. The key academic ideas (theories and concepts) within the area of your proposed topic. Provide supporting references and explain how your research relates to these ideas;
5. The general research approach and specific research methods that you are intending to use;
6. An explanation for why you are intending to use such an approach and set of research methods;
7. An outline of the setting or context in which you intend to base your proposed research;
8. An explanation of why you are using the setting or context;
9. Detail how you will gain access to the data;
10. A section on how you intend to interpret or analyze the data, once collected
11. A tentative timeline for undertaking the proposed research;
12. A full list of your references.
13. The proposal must not exceed 2,000 words.