Write a formal persuasive paper on your topic. Be sure to establish yourself as a credible author by using an appropriate tone and voice. Be sure to have a specific audience in mind for your argument. Include at least one major piece of primary research (original interview, email or letter from an expert, questionnaire/survey, etc.). Be sure to make your thesis (position on the controversy) clear and decisive from the beginning and maintain that stance consistently throughout the paper. (Coming up with an effective title is a good place to start.) Remember to use specific examples, facts, quotations, anecdotes, statistics, images, charts, etc., to back up your general claims. Also, be sure to include a fully developed counterargument section, during which you present—then refute or concede to— any opposing views. This paper should be submitted through turnitin.com and earn no more than a 40% on the report that indicates “similarity to other texts.” We will go over this in class. Finally, MLA format should be used, with sources cited appropriately both within the body of the essay and in a Works Cited page that concludes the piece. (Range: 5-8 pages; that is, 1,250-2,000 words.)
How being a critical thinker can help you improve your daily basis activities? how critical thinking is being undervalued in education and society today, and we need to focus more on it?