The paper must be at least 2000-2500 words, excluding the title page and reference page, and must
adhere to the APA sixth edition writing format. Please reference the APA Guide link under Resources. If
you paper does not comply with this format, you will lose points. Commercial software program templates
are available for purchase to assist in the correct formatting for use of APA. One example is found at
Please cite at least five scholarly references for your paper. Please be aware that websites such as
Wikipedia are not scholarly sources. You are encouraged to access the University’s online library
resources to find scholarly journal articles, etc. Proquest and EBSCO may be helpful, but remember to
limit your search to scholarly journal articles. Please remember to review the information available for
locating and citing proper sources in your syllabus. No more than 20% of this paper may be attributed to
referenced sources.
crimal justice in the U.S today and it issues and how could it be changed