Respected for human rights is fundamental to the sustainability of The Coca-Cola Company and the communities in which we operates. In our company and across our system, we are committed to ensuring that people are treated with dignity and respect.
The Coca-Cola Company’s human rights Policy is guided by international human rights principles encompassed in the declaration of Human rights, the International labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental principles and Rights at work, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The Human Rights Policy applies to the Coca-Cola Company, the entities that it owns, the entities in which it holds a majority interest, and the facilities that it manages. The Company is committed to working with and encouraging our bottling partners to uphold the principles in this policy and to adopt similar policies within their business. The supplier guiding principles applies to our bottling partners and our suppliers and is aligned with the expectations and commitments of this policy.
The company recognizes its impact on the communities in which it operates. We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in those communities to ensure that we are listening to, learning from and taking into account their views as we are committed to engaging in dialogue with stakeholders on human rights issues related to our business. We believe that local issues are most appropriately addressed at the local level. We are also committed to creating economic opportunity and fostering goodwill in the communities in which we operate through locally relevant initiatives.