must be at least 500 words
Based on your readings and perhaps extra research, discuss how and why do the years 1967 and 1968 present moments of shifts in the world? Document your discussion with examples.
Diana Nemiroff, “Modernism in the Visual Arts in the United States and Canada,” The Modernist World: 563-571. (On BB)
Gilane Tawadros, “Egypt at the Venice Biennale” 1967 and the year that changed Everything,” In Omar Kholeif, ed., Imperfect Chronology: Arab Art from the Modern to the Contemporary, Prestel, 2015: 64-68.
Tyrus Miller, “All Along Watchtower: Aesthetic Revolution in the United Satets during the 1960s,” Aesthetic Revolutions.
Nada Shabout, “Modernism and the Visual Arts in the Middle East and North Africa,” The Modernist World: 488-597. (On BB)
Leonard Folgarait, “Revolution as Ritual: Diego Rivera’s National Palace Mural,” in Modern Art in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 315-329. (On BB)
Tatiana Flores, “Beyond Centre-Periphery: Modernism in Latin American Art,” The Modernist World: 426-435. (On BB)