Order Description
• Lewis, J. P. (2007). Chapter 4: Developing a mission, vision, goals, and objectives for the project. Fundamentals of Project Management, 44-55.
Review “Developing a Mission, Vision, Goals, and Objectives for the Project.
“You are a nurse leader in a large hospital. Due to cutbacks you have been instructed by management to reduce the size of your staff.”
Use the QSEN competencies Patient-centered Care; Teamwork and Collaboration; and Quality Improvement to frame the problem statement.
Write 475 word problem statement in your own words.
Develop goals and objectives that will satisfy the problem statement
3 references use the one above as (1) reference
QSEN the QSEN competencies Patient-centered Care; Teamwork and Collaboration; and Quality Improvement as (1) reference
Need at least (1) more reference.