Product of cultural contact between European locations? Drawing from examples from three different chapters in bk. 2 explore the Renaissance as a product of artistic exchange between European centres. End of question.
Please make sure to answer the question with references to the locations.
Last time I had to rework quite a bit on the finished work. I am sending by email, a copy of the book and more instructions. And of course the examples and chapters chosen. Thanks I think I should be having somebody knowledgeable in Renaissance art to write this any ways, that’s why I do this, I am too pressed for time. If I have to rewrite the whole thing, it defeats the purpose and a waste of money I do not have. Thanks for your understanding and support.
Here enclosed is the ebook needed for the assignment. And my three chapters and examples are,
Chapter 3 : plate 3.3 the tapestries in Brussels and the participation of different artists ex Raphael.
Chapter 4 : plate 4.12. Sienna, the collaboration of artists from else where
Chapter 6: plate 6.14 Venice, Mehmet ll, Turkish and Bellini.
Another sheet of tutor recommendations follows another email.
Thanks let me know if you received everything okay.
Locating Renaissance Art
by Carol M. Richardson
To what extent were works of art from the Renaissance period