Now that you have spent some time analyzing how a class you’ve taken was designed(hopefully) to meet the demands of university, the interests of the instructor, and the needs of the student, i’m going to reverse things and put you in the place of the professor.
For this second response paper I want you to design a First-Year Seminar course. As university tells the professor, you should create a class that relates to “something you are passionate about,” but it also must have a solid academic foundation and meet the university’s criteria for the course: it must “provide students with an in-depth academic experience that will be rigorous and engaging. Students will develop the kinds of academic skills that will prepare them for successful college work, including writing, critical reading and thinking, discussion, argument and debate”
Once you’ve decided what you want to teach, you need to do two things:
1. Write up a 1-2 page description of the class that will be looked at by the dean in charge of the FSEM program, who will decide if you will be allowed to teach the class you’re proposing. You need to explain the concept of the class and outline what will happen in it so that the dean can see it will be a worthwhile addition to the university’s schedule of courses.
2. Create a separate short paragraph( no more than 150 words) that will be posted in the online catalog of courses for students to read when they are deciding what classes to take. Think of this as your” sales pitch” to students for the class; you want students to be interested in taking the course but you also need to make sure they get an accurate sense of what to expect, otherwise they might be angry when they find out actual work and thought are required.