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Variable description

This document describes each of the variables listed in the excel spreadsheet in more detail:
ID (each staff is given a unique ID number)
Location(X1): (BNE = Brisbane, CSN = Cairns, TSVL = Townsville, SG= Singapore)
Gender(X2): (MALE, FEMALE)
Academic Division / discipline area (X3):
College of Arts(CA),
College of Business, Law and Governance(CBLG)
College of health science(CHS)
College of Marine and environment(CME)
College of Medicine and Dentistry(CMD)
College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary(CPHMV)
College of Science, Technology & Engineering (CSTE)
Age(X4): staff age in years old
Education (X5):(Post-Secondary level, Bachelor’s or equivalent level,
Master’s degree or equivalent level, Doctoral or equivalent level)
Salary(X6): staff annual salary in thousands of dollars
Length of employment (X7):
A =3 years, B > 3 years and = 6 years, C >6 years and = 10 years, D > 10 years.
Employment type (X8):Contract, Full time, Part-time.
Job role (X9): Professional, Academic, Research
Mode of transport to work (X10):Foot, Bike, Bus, Car
3.3 Assessment Tasks
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: [Assignment: Case Study – report]
Aligned course & subject learning outcomes • SLO: explain types and sources of data and information, and relate to statistical concepts
• SLO: apply appropriate and various statistical techniques
• SLO: use statistical software to solve business related problems
• SLO: interpret data and statistical results to make insightful business decisions
• SLO :explain data within a business environment context
• CLO: S3: Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience

Group or individual Write an Individual statistical report
Weighting / Length 30% overall , 1000 words (excluding tables, figures, appendices and references)
Due date Monday 11thJanuary 2016 at 11:59pmASSESSMENT TASK 1: DESCRIPTION
You are required to read and explore the case study provided to you on Learn JCU and the data provided to you on request in order to prepare a simple statistical report. A statistical report is an organised synthesis of data that spans a whole array of forms from tables of numbers and measures to text summarising the findings. Statistical reports are particularly interesting because the readers can be overwhelmed by the huge amounts of information in raw format, and without an appropriate preliminary statistical analysis, it is difficult to make the important points stand out. Data (displayed graphically) and text are two different yet powerful media that have to be well integrated in your report.
The assignment consists of questions and/or data related to a simulated real world business case that will be covered in the subject materials from weeks 1 to 5 (inclusive). You are required to analyse the raw data using appropriate statistical methods and tests in response to the focus questions stated in the case study provided. MS Excel data analysis tools must be used for this purpose. Results are presented (in results section) and then interpretation of results are communicated (in discussion), with reference to appropriate literature and in response to research questions. Follow the report structure outlined below.
The report must be typed in Microsoft Word format. The word limit is 1000 words (excluding tables, figures, appendices and references) and students must strictly adhere to this word limit, there will be a 5% penalty of the awarded mark for every additional/missing 100 words. Report must be typed in 12 point Time New Roman font, double spaced and 2.5 cm margins. Insert tables and graphical displays of your data analysis in the text where appropriate.

Section 6. Assessment Criteria Sheets (Rubric)
Criteria Level of achievement
Unsatisfactory 0 to 49% Level of achievement
Satisfactory 50 to 74% Level of Achievement
Exemplary 75 to100%
Explain types and sources of data and relates to statistical concepts and techniques.
(SLO 1)
Weighting15.00% Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are not correctly identified and explanation limited with errors.
Statistical techniques not correct and/or are not explained and/ or justified. Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are identified and explained with only a few errors.
Most statistical techniques selected, with limited explanation and justification. Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are correctly identified and concisely explained.
Appropriate statistical techniques selected, explained and relevance justified.
Application of technical/statistical skills to analyse relevant data/information
(CLO A1/CLO S1/SLO 2, 3)
Weight 25.00% Demonstrates little or no competencein selection and application of appropriate statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Errors in variable selection to address research question. Demonstrates some competencein selection and application of appropriate statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Some errors in variable selection to address research question. Demonstrates competence in selection and application of correct statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Correct variables selected to address research question.
Interpret numerical data and draw conclusions (CLO A1; SLO 4, 5)
Weight 25.00% Incomplete and/ or incorrect interpretation of findings and comparison of data indicating a lack of understanding of results. Discussion does not include connections to underlying theory/key concepts.
Significant improvements required in the use of tables, graphs and figures correctly and consistently in the discussion.
Does not draw basic conclusions and connection between the results, research question and implications is not evident. As a minimum, almost all of the findings and data comparison have been correctly interpreted and discussed, however, improvements are needed. Some connections to theory / concept are made but misses one or two important explanations. Improvement required in the use of tables, graphs and figures correctly and consistently in the discussion.
Incomplete understanding of results is still evident and basic conclusions are drawn. Basic connection between results, research question and implications of the results are discussed. All findings and data comparisons have been interpreted correctly and discussed; good understanding of results is conveyed. Clear connections are made between results, theory/concepts and research questions.
Tables, graphs and figures are correctly and consistently referred to in the discussion.
All important conclusions, to explain expected and unexpected results, have been clearly made. Clear connection between results, research question and implications of the results are discussed.
Writing Style & Conventions
Formal and informal rules inherent in the expectations for writing a professional report.
(CLO S3)
Weight: 20% Key structural elements of the report are not present and/or presented with errors evident.
The document is not presented professionally, with limited use of headings and figures/tables/graphs lacking appropriate style and format with errors. Introduction lacking basic elements. Limited or no APA referencing with errors. All required structural elements of the report are present and completed to a satisfactory standard. The document is presented professionally, using some informative headings and figures/tables/graphs where appropriate in the correct style and format with few errors. Introduction basic and incomplete. APA referencing used with few errors. All required structural elements of the report are present and completed to a high standard. The document is presented professionally, using informative headings and figures/tables/graphs where appropriate in the correct style and format. Introduction well structured. Accurate APA referencing used.
Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Sentence construction; grammar; punctuation & spelling. (CLO S3)
Weight: 15% Language used is not clear and /or does not convey meaning to readers. It contains frequent grammatical errors that interfere with conveying meaning. Paragraphs are not well constructed and disconnected, and/or follow poor organisation. Uses appropriate language, occasional lapses in punctuation, grammar and sentence construction. Conveys basic meaning with few spelling errors. Paragraphs are generally well constructed with basic transition between sections. Uses appropriate language, correct punctuation, grammatically correct and good sentence construction that conveys meaning to readers with clarity and no spelling errors. Paragraphs are well constructed and appropriate transition between sections.
Title Page: Include the title, author (your name) and affiliation (student ID), date of release (due date) and for whom the report might be written (this report is to be written for the lecturer of BU1007).
Table of Contents: List of sections and subsections including page numbers.
Introduction: The introduction will briefly explain the aims of the research (what), the methods and statistical analysis techniques (how), limitations (acknowledge rather than overstate).
Statistical Analysis:
Methods and Results: Briefly describe the research design methods, the technical statistical analysis procedures (links can be made to theory where relevant), and the findings of the research (make explicit links to the data represented as tables and/or figures). It is important to write something about each table or figure; make the results clear to the reader, don’t write what they can already glean from the tables/graphs you have provided but what the results imply about the business being investigated.
Discussion of Results: This makes up the largest part of the report; it is a synthesis of the data. This section requires a well thought out analysis of the findings with clear and purposeful connections made between the results, theory/concepts and research questions. This discussion should arrive at a recommendation for action that will be repeated as your recommendation at the end of the report
Conclusion and Recommendation: In this section the report will restate the major findings of your report, summarisingthe discussion within your report, and then making a well argued for recommendation for action.
References: APA style (one reference as a minimum that must be correctly cited in the body of the report)
Appendices: The information listed as appendices must be cited in the body of the report, for example, (see Appendix 1). This is where you might provide the computer printout of your results.

ID X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
1 CNS Male CA 42 Doctoral or equivalent level 78 B Full-time Professional Bus
2 CNS Female CBLG 52 Master’s or equivalent level 159 C Full-time Academic Bike
3 TSVL Female CMD 62 Doctoral or equivalent level 125 D Full-time research Bus
4 SG Male CMD 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 123 B Full-time Academic Car
5 TSVL Male CBLG 38 Master’s or equivalent level 97 B Contract Professional Car
6 TSVL Female CME 48 Doctoral or equivalent level 49 C Full-time Academic Car
7 BNE Female CMD 56 Master’s or equivalent level 140 D Full-time Professional Car
8 SG Female CSTE 31 Doctoral or equivalent level 102 B Full-time research Car
9 TSVL Female CHS 54 Master’s or equivalent level 151 C Full-time research Car
10 TSVL Male CMD 42 Post-secondary level 61 B Full-time Academic Car
11 SG Female CPHMV 29 Post-secondary level 117 B Full-time research Car
12 TSVL Male CMD 61 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 169 D Full-time research Bus
13 CNS Female CPHMV 64 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 161 D Full-time Academic Bus
14 TSVL Female CBLG 54 Master’s or equivalent level 95 C Full-time Academic Car
15 CNS Female CME 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 89 D Full-time research Bike
16 SG Male CHS 53 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 81 C Full-time Academic Car
17 SG Female CA 65 Master’s or equivalent level 128 D Contract Professional Car
18 TSVL Male CMD 51 Post-secondary level 137 C Contract Academic Car
19 TSVL Male CMD 34 Doctoral or equivalent level 46 B Full-time Professional Car
20 CNS Male CHS 65 Master’s or equivalent level 44 D Full-time Academic Bus
21 BNE Male CA 34 Post-secondary level 110 B Part-time research Car
22 CNS Male CMD 54 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 91 C Full-time Professional Bus
23 TSVL Male CPHMV 62 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 114 D Full-time Academic Car
24 CNS Male CMD 45 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Full-time research Bus
25 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
26 SG Male CME 29 Doctoral or equivalent level 165 B Contract Academic Car
27 SG Female CPHMV 54 Doctoral or equivalent level 111 C Contract research Car
28 SG Male CPHMV 69 Doctoral or equivalent level 144 D Full-time Professional Car
29 SG Female CHS 57 Post-secondary level 48 D Full-time Academic Car
30 CNS Female CHS 60 Doctoral or equivalent level 166 D Full-time Professional Bike
31 BNE Female CBLG 69 Post-secondary level 159 D Full-time Academic Car
32 TSVL Male CPHMV 67 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 158 D Contract research Car
33 SG Male CMD 62 Master’s or equivalent level 159 D Full-time Professional Car
34 TSVL Female CMD 28 Master’s or equivalent level 139 B Contract Professional Car
35 BNE Female CME 31 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Contract research Car
36 CNS Male CMD 45 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Full-time research Bus
37 TSVL Male CME 35 Doctoral or equivalent level 77 B Full-time Professional Car
38 TSVL Female CPHMV 55 Master’s or equivalent level 137 C Contract research Car
39 CNS Female CA 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 141 B Contract research Bus
40 CNS Male CME 25 Doctoral or equivalent level 131 A Full-time Academic Bus
41 TSVL Male CMD 43 Master’s or equivalent level 72 B Part-time Professional Car
42 CNS Female CPHMV 30 Doctoral or equivalent level 154 B Contract Academic Bike
43 TSVL Male CMD 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 43 D Full-time Academic Car
44 BNE Female CMD 46 Master’s or equivalent level 51 C Full-time Academic Car
45 SG Male CPHMV 69 Doctoral or equivalent level 144 D Full-time Professional Car
46 BNE Female CME 60 Doctoral or equivalent level 140 D Full-time Professional Foot
47 SG Male CME 29 Doctoral or equivalent level 165 B Contract Academic Car
48 SG Male CPHMV 37 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 84 B Full-time Academic Car
49 CNS Male CBLG 26 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 50 B Full-time Professional Bus
50 CNS Female CBLG 44 Master’s or equivalent level 149 B Contract Academic Foot
51 SG Male CMD 38 Master’s or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Professional Car
52 CNS Male CA 39 Master’s or equivalent level 163 B Contract Professional Bus
53 CNS Female CBLG 27 Post-secondary level 81 B Full-time Academic Bike
54 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
55 TSVL Female CMD 28 Master’s or equivalent level 139 B Contract Professional Car
56 SG Female CME 66 Master’s or equivalent level 116 D Full-time Academic Car
57 BNE Female CMD 58 Master’s or equivalent level 106 D Full-time Academic Bus
58 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
59 TSVL Male CMD 67 Master’s or equivalent level 53 D Full-time Professional Bus
60 TSVL Male CBLG 38 Master’s or equivalent level 97 B Contract Professional Car
61 SG Male CPHMV 52 Doctoral or equivalent level 65 C Contract Academic Car
62 SG Female CPHMV 67 Post-secondary level 150 D Contract Professional Car
63 TSVL Male CBLG 53 Doctoral or equivalent level 141 C Full-time research Car
64 CNS Male CPHMV 48 Post-secondary level 107 C Contract Professional Bus
65 TSVL Male CMD 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 43 D Full-time Academic Car
66 SG Male CMD 70 Master’s or equivalent level 121 D Full-time research Car
67 BNE Female CA 51 Doctoral or equivalent level 104 C Full-time Academic Car
68 SG Female CME 66 Master’s or equivalent level 116 D Full-time Academic Car
69 SG Male CMD 70 Master’s or equivalent level 121 D Full-time research Car
70 TSVL Female CPHMV 28 Doctoral or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Academic Car
71 BNE Female CSTE 65 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 156 D Full-time research Car
72 CNS Male CA 48 Doctoral or equivalent level 46 C Full-time Academic Bike
73 CNS Female CPHMV 69 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 142 D Full-time research Bus
74 TSVL Female CHS 59 Doctoral or equivalent level 103 D Contract Professional Car
75 SG Male CPHMV 36 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 B Full-time Academic Car
76 SG Male CHS 32 Post-secondary level 148 B Full-time Academic Car
77 TSVL Female CBLG 37 Post-secondary level 59 B Full-time Academic Bus
78 BNE Female CA 51 Doctoral or equivalent level 104 C Full-time Academic Car
79 TSVL Female CPHMV 68 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 92 D Full-time Academic Car
80 BNE Male CHS 30 Doctoral or equivalent level 166 B Part-time Professional Bike
81 BNE Female CME 32 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 B Full-time research Car
82 TSVL Male CBLG 43 Post-secondary level 114 B Full-time Academic Car
83 BNE Male CBLG 44 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 88 B Contract Academic Foot
84 SG Male CMD 38 Master’s or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Professional Car
85 SG Female CBLG 34 Doctoral or equivalent level 137 B Part-time Academic Car
86 TSVL Male CPHMV 53 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 129 C Contract research Car
87 TSVL Female CA 27 Master’s or equivalent level 54 B Contract Professional Car
88 CNS Male CME 43 Doctoral or equivalent level 168 B Contract Academic Foot
89 SG Male CMD 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 123 B Full-time Academic Car
90 BNE Female CSTE 65 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 156 D Full-time research Car
91 CNS Female CMD 63 Doctoral or equivalent level 67 D Full-time Academic Foot
92 BNE Male CMD 39 Doctoral or equivalent level 131 B Full-time Academic Foot
93 CNS Male CBLG 36 Master’s or equivalent level 92 B Full-time Academic Foot
94 BNE Male CPHMV 70 Master’s or equivalent level 90 D Full-time Professional Foot
95 TSVL Male CMD 66 Master’s or equivalent level 76 D Part-time Academic Bus
96 TSVL Female CPHMV 28 Doctoral or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Academic Car
97 TSVL Male CMD 40 Post-secondary level 165 B Part-time Academic Car
98 CNS Female CME 49 Master’s or equivalent level 125 C Full-time Academic Bus
99 CNS Male CHS 61 Master’s or equivalent level 146 D Full-time Professional Bike
100 CNS Male CME 66 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 47 D Full-time Academic Bus

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Variable description

This document describes each of the variables listed in the excel spreadsheet in more detail:
ID (each staff is given a unique ID number)
Location(X1): (BNE = Brisbane, CSN = Cairns, TSVL = Townsville, SG= Singapore)
Gender(X2): (MALE, FEMALE)
Academic Division / discipline area (X3):
College of Arts(CA),
College of Business, Law and Governance(CBLG)
College of health science(CHS)
College of Marine and environment(CME)
College of Medicine and Dentistry(CMD)
College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary(CPHMV)
College of Science, Technology & Engineering (CSTE)
Age(X4): staff age in years old
Education (X5):(Post-Secondary level, Bachelor’s or equivalent level,
Master’s degree or equivalent level, Doctoral or equivalent level)
Salary(X6): staff annual salary in thousands of dollars
Length of employment (X7):
A =3 years, B > 3 years and = 6 years, C >6 years and = 10 years, D > 10 years.
Employment type (X8):Contract, Full time, Part-time.
Job role (X9): Professional, Academic, Research
Mode of transport to work (X10):Foot, Bike, Bus, Car
3.3 Assessment Tasks
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: [Assignment: Case Study – report]
Aligned course & subject learning outcomes • SLO: explain types and sources of data and information, and relate to statistical concepts
• SLO: apply appropriate and various statistical techniques
• SLO: use statistical software to solve business related problems
• SLO: interpret data and statistical results to make insightful business decisions
• SLO :explain data within a business environment context
• CLO: S3: Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience

Group or individual Write an Individual statistical report
Weighting / Length 30% overall , 1000 words (excluding tables, figures, appendices and references)
Due date Monday 11thJanuary 2016 at 11:59pmASSESSMENT TASK 1: DESCRIPTION
You are required to read and explore the case study provided to you on Learn JCU and the data provided to you on request in order to prepare a simple statistical report. A statistical report is an organised synthesis of data that spans a whole array of forms from tables of numbers and measures to text summarising the findings. Statistical reports are particularly interesting because the readers can be overwhelmed by the huge amounts of information in raw format, and without an appropriate preliminary statistical analysis, it is difficult to make the important points stand out. Data (displayed graphically) and text are two different yet powerful media that have to be well integrated in your report.
The assignment consists of questions and/or data related to a simulated real world business case that will be covered in the subject materials from weeks 1 to 5 (inclusive). You are required to analyse the raw data using appropriate statistical methods and tests in response to the focus questions stated in the case study provided. MS Excel data analysis tools must be used for this purpose. Results are presented (in results section) and then interpretation of results are communicated (in discussion), with reference to appropriate literature and in response to research questions. Follow the report structure outlined below.
The report must be typed in Microsoft Word format. The word limit is 1000 words (excluding tables, figures, appendices and references) and students must strictly adhere to this word limit, there will be a 5% penalty of the awarded mark for every additional/missing 100 words. Report must be typed in 12 point Time New Roman font, double spaced and 2.5 cm margins. Insert tables and graphical displays of your data analysis in the text where appropriate.

Section 6. Assessment Criteria Sheets (Rubric)
Criteria Level of achievement
Unsatisfactory 0 to 49% Level of achievement
Satisfactory 50 to 74% Level of Achievement
Exemplary 75 to100%
Explain types and sources of data and relates to statistical concepts and techniques.
(SLO 1)
Weighting15.00% Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are not correctly identified and explanation limited with errors.
Statistical techniques not correct and/or are not explained and/ or justified. Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are identified and explained with only a few errors.
Most statistical techniques selected, with limited explanation and justification. Method of data collection, types of variables and measurement scales of data are correctly identified and concisely explained.
Appropriate statistical techniques selected, explained and relevance justified.
Application of technical/statistical skills to analyse relevant data/information
(CLO A1/CLO S1/SLO 2, 3)
Weight 25.00% Demonstrates little or no competencein selection and application of appropriate statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Errors in variable selection to address research question. Demonstrates some competencein selection and application of appropriate statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Some errors in variable selection to address research question. Demonstrates competence in selection and application of correct statistical techniques and use of Excel to analyse data. Correct variables selected to address research question.
Interpret numerical data and draw conclusions (CLO A1; SLO 4, 5)
Weight 25.00% Incomplete and/ or incorrect interpretation of findings and comparison of data indicating a lack of understanding of results. Discussion does not include connections to underlying theory/key concepts.
Significant improvements required in the use of tables, graphs and figures correctly and consistently in the discussion.
Does not draw basic conclusions and connection between the results, research question and implications is not evident. As a minimum, almost all of the findings and data comparison have been correctly interpreted and discussed, however, improvements are needed. Some connections to theory / concept are made but misses one or two important explanations. Improvement required in the use of tables, graphs and figures correctly and consistently in the discussion.
Incomplete understanding of results is still evident and basic conclusions are drawn. Basic connection between results, research question and implications of the results are discussed. All findings and data comparisons have been interpreted correctly and discussed; good understanding of results is conveyed. Clear connections are made between results, theory/concepts and research questions.
Tables, graphs and figures are correctly and consistently referred to in the discussion.
All important conclusions, to explain expected and unexpected results, have been clearly made. Clear connection between results, research question and implications of the results are discussed.
Writing Style & Conventions
Formal and informal rules inherent in the expectations for writing a professional report.
(CLO S3)
Weight: 20% Key structural elements of the report are not present and/or presented with errors evident.
The document is not presented professionally, with limited use of headings and figures/tables/graphs lacking appropriate style and format with errors. Introduction lacking basic elements. Limited or no APA referencing with errors. All required structural elements of the report are present and completed to a satisfactory standard. The document is presented professionally, using some informative headings and figures/tables/graphs where appropriate in the correct style and format with few errors. Introduction basic and incomplete. APA referencing used with few errors. All required structural elements of the report are present and completed to a high standard. The document is presented professionally, using informative headings and figures/tables/graphs where appropriate in the correct style and format. Introduction well structured. Accurate APA referencing used.
Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Sentence construction; grammar; punctuation & spelling. (CLO S3)
Weight: 15% Language used is not clear and /or does not convey meaning to readers. It contains frequent grammatical errors that interfere with conveying meaning. Paragraphs are not well constructed and disconnected, and/or follow poor organisation. Uses appropriate language, occasional lapses in punctuation, grammar and sentence construction. Conveys basic meaning with few spelling errors. Paragraphs are generally well constructed with basic transition between sections. Uses appropriate language, correct punctuation, grammatically correct and good sentence construction that conveys meaning to readers with clarity and no spelling errors. Paragraphs are well constructed and appropriate transition between sections.
Title Page: Include the title, author (your name) and affiliation (student ID), date of release (due date) and for whom the report might be written (this report is to be written for the lecturer of BU1007).
Table of Contents: List of sections and subsections including page numbers.
Introduction: The introduction will briefly explain the aims of the research (what), the methods and statistical analysis techniques (how), limitations (acknowledge rather than overstate).
Statistical Analysis:
Methods and Results: Briefly describe the research design methods, the technical statistical analysis procedures (links can be made to theory where relevant), and the findings of the research (make explicit links to the data represented as tables and/or figures). It is important to write something about each table or figure; make the results clear to the reader, don’t write what they can already glean from the tables/graphs you have provided but what the results imply about the business being investigated.
Discussion of Results: This makes up the largest part of the report; it is a synthesis of the data. This section requires a well thought out analysis of the findings with clear and purposeful connections made between the results, theory/concepts and research questions. This discussion should arrive at a recommendation for action that will be repeated as your recommendation at the end of the report
Conclusion and Recommendation: In this section the report will restate the major findings of your report, summarisingthe discussion within your report, and then making a well argued for recommendation for action.
References: APA style (one reference as a minimum that must be correctly cited in the body of the report)
Appendices: The information listed as appendices must be cited in the body of the report, for example, (see Appendix 1). This is where you might provide the computer printout of your results.

ID X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
1 CNS Male CA 42 Doctoral or equivalent level 78 B Full-time Professional Bus
2 CNS Female CBLG 52 Master’s or equivalent level 159 C Full-time Academic Bike
3 TSVL Female CMD 62 Doctoral or equivalent level 125 D Full-time research Bus
4 SG Male CMD 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 123 B Full-time Academic Car
5 TSVL Male CBLG 38 Master’s or equivalent level 97 B Contract Professional Car
6 TSVL Female CME 48 Doctoral or equivalent level 49 C Full-time Academic Car
7 BNE Female CMD 56 Master’s or equivalent level 140 D Full-time Professional Car
8 SG Female CSTE 31 Doctoral or equivalent level 102 B Full-time research Car
9 TSVL Female CHS 54 Master’s or equivalent level 151 C Full-time research Car
10 TSVL Male CMD 42 Post-secondary level 61 B Full-time Academic Car
11 SG Female CPHMV 29 Post-secondary level 117 B Full-time research Car
12 TSVL Male CMD 61 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 169 D Full-time research Bus
13 CNS Female CPHMV 64 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 161 D Full-time Academic Bus
14 TSVL Female CBLG 54 Master’s or equivalent level 95 C Full-time Academic Car
15 CNS Female CME 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 89 D Full-time research Bike
16 SG Male CHS 53 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 81 C Full-time Academic Car
17 SG Female CA 65 Master’s or equivalent level 128 D Contract Professional Car
18 TSVL Male CMD 51 Post-secondary level 137 C Contract Academic Car
19 TSVL Male CMD 34 Doctoral or equivalent level 46 B Full-time Professional Car
20 CNS Male CHS 65 Master’s or equivalent level 44 D Full-time Academic Bus
21 BNE Male CA 34 Post-secondary level 110 B Part-time research Car
22 CNS Male CMD 54 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 91 C Full-time Professional Bus
23 TSVL Male CPHMV 62 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 114 D Full-time Academic Car
24 CNS Male CMD 45 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Full-time research Bus
25 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
26 SG Male CME 29 Doctoral or equivalent level 165 B Contract Academic Car
27 SG Female CPHMV 54 Doctoral or equivalent level 111 C Contract research Car
28 SG Male CPHMV 69 Doctoral or equivalent level 144 D Full-time Professional Car
29 SG Female CHS 57 Post-secondary level 48 D Full-time Academic Car
30 CNS Female CHS 60 Doctoral or equivalent level 166 D Full-time Professional Bike
31 BNE Female CBLG 69 Post-secondary level 159 D Full-time Academic Car
32 TSVL Male CPHMV 67 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 158 D Contract research Car
33 SG Male CMD 62 Master’s or equivalent level 159 D Full-time Professional Car
34 TSVL Female CMD 28 Master’s or equivalent level 139 B Contract Professional Car
35 BNE Female CME 31 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Contract research Car
36 CNS Male CMD 45 Master’s or equivalent level 123 B Full-time research Bus
37 TSVL Male CME 35 Doctoral or equivalent level 77 B Full-time Professional Car
38 TSVL Female CPHMV 55 Master’s or equivalent level 137 C Contract research Car
39 CNS Female CA 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 141 B Contract research Bus
40 CNS Male CME 25 Doctoral or equivalent level 131 A Full-time Academic Bus
41 TSVL Male CMD 43 Master’s or equivalent level 72 B Part-time Professional Car
42 CNS Female CPHMV 30 Doctoral or equivalent level 154 B Contract Academic Bike
43 TSVL Male CMD 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 43 D Full-time Academic Car
44 BNE Female CMD 46 Master’s or equivalent level 51 C Full-time Academic Car
45 SG Male CPHMV 69 Doctoral or equivalent level 144 D Full-time Professional Car
46 BNE Female CME 60 Doctoral or equivalent level 140 D Full-time Professional Foot
47 SG Male CME 29 Doctoral or equivalent level 165 B Contract Academic Car
48 SG Male CPHMV 37 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 84 B Full-time Academic Car
49 CNS Male CBLG 26 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 50 B Full-time Professional Bus
50 CNS Female CBLG 44 Master’s or equivalent level 149 B Contract Academic Foot
51 SG Male CMD 38 Master’s or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Professional Car
52 CNS Male CA 39 Master’s or equivalent level 163 B Contract Professional Bus
53 CNS Female CBLG 27 Post-secondary level 81 B Full-time Academic Bike
54 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
55 TSVL Female CMD 28 Master’s or equivalent level 139 B Contract Professional Car
56 SG Female CME 66 Master’s or equivalent level 116 D Full-time Academic Car
57 BNE Female CMD 58 Master’s or equivalent level 106 D Full-time Academic Bus
58 TSVL Male CBLG 64 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 D Full-time research Car
59 TSVL Male CMD 67 Master’s or equivalent level 53 D Full-time Professional Bus
60 TSVL Male CBLG 38 Master’s or equivalent level 97 B Contract Professional Car
61 SG Male CPHMV 52 Doctoral or equivalent level 65 C Contract Academic Car
62 SG Female CPHMV 67 Post-secondary level 150 D Contract Professional Car
63 TSVL Male CBLG 53 Doctoral or equivalent level 141 C Full-time research Car
64 CNS Male CPHMV 48 Post-secondary level 107 C Contract Professional Bus
65 TSVL Male CMD 65 Doctoral or equivalent level 43 D Full-time Academic Car
66 SG Male CMD 70 Master’s or equivalent level 121 D Full-time research Car
67 BNE Female CA 51 Doctoral or equivalent level 104 C Full-time Academic Car
68 SG Female CME 66 Master’s or equivalent level 116 D Full-time Academic Car
69 SG Male CMD 70 Master’s or equivalent level 121 D Full-time research Car
70 TSVL Female CPHMV 28 Doctoral or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Academic Car
71 BNE Female CSTE 65 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 156 D Full-time research Car
72 CNS Male CA 48 Doctoral or equivalent level 46 C Full-time Academic Bike
73 CNS Female CPHMV 69 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 142 D Full-time research Bus
74 TSVL Female CHS 59 Doctoral or equivalent level 103 D Contract Professional Car
75 SG Male CPHMV 36 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 B Full-time Academic Car
76 SG Male CHS 32 Post-secondary level 148 B Full-time Academic Car
77 TSVL Female CBLG 37 Post-secondary level 59 B Full-time Academic Bus
78 BNE Female CA 51 Doctoral or equivalent level 104 C Full-time Academic Car
79 TSVL Female CPHMV 68 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 92 D Full-time Academic Car
80 BNE Male CHS 30 Doctoral or equivalent level 166 B Part-time Professional Bike
81 BNE Female CME 32 Doctoral or equivalent level 146 B Full-time research Car
82 TSVL Male CBLG 43 Post-secondary level 114 B Full-time Academic Car
83 BNE Male CBLG 44 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 88 B Contract Academic Foot
84 SG Male CMD 38 Master’s or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Professional Car
85 SG Female CBLG 34 Doctoral or equivalent level 137 B Part-time Academic Car
86 TSVL Male CPHMV 53 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 129 C Contract research Car
87 TSVL Female CA 27 Master’s or equivalent level 54 B Contract Professional Car
88 CNS Male CME 43 Doctoral or equivalent level 168 B Contract Academic Foot
89 SG Male CMD 40 Doctoral or equivalent level 123 B Full-time Academic Car
90 BNE Female CSTE 65 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 156 D Full-time research Car
91 CNS Female CMD 63 Doctoral or equivalent level 67 D Full-time Academic Foot
92 BNE Male CMD 39 Doctoral or equivalent level 131 B Full-time Academic Foot
93 CNS Male CBLG 36 Master’s or equivalent level 92 B Full-time Academic Foot
94 BNE Male CPHMV 70 Master’s or equivalent level 90 D Full-time Professional Foot
95 TSVL Male CMD 66 Master’s or equivalent level 76 D Part-time Academic Bus
96 TSVL Female CPHMV 28 Doctoral or equivalent level 69 B Full-time Academic Car
97 TSVL Male CMD 40 Post-secondary level 165 B Part-time Academic Car
98 CNS Female CME 49 Master’s or equivalent level 125 C Full-time Academic Bus
99 CNS Male CHS 61 Master’s or equivalent level 146 D Full-time Professional Bike
100 CNS Male CME 66 Bachelor’s or equivalent level 47 D Full-time Academic Bus

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