Refer to at least three of the following sources in your answer, including:
At least one key source:
• Steven Pinker, “Whence the Rights Revolutions?”
• Martin Oppenheimer, “Fighting Back: Dealing with Being One Down”
At least two of the following:
• Fern Riddle, “The Weaker Sex?”
• Peter Ling, “We Shall Overcome”
• Hannah Dee, “The Stonewall Riots and the Birth of the New Movement”
• Jonny Jones, “August 2011: A Riot of Our Own”
Also thesis has to start with “In this essay it will be argued that,” and standpoint has to be elaborated in 3 different bodies with different kinds of protests with special issues including racism gay rights women rights and etc. because essay are talking about riots and we have to show specific cases and these bodeis have to be conected with sources, below ones
Also standpoint has to be mostly acceptable about riots but partially effective
and use minority- majority differences that effect riots