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peace and justice studies
Please include a 1-2 page narrative explaining the value this degree will add to your intellectual and career development, organizing your essay around the following two prompts:
1. What motivates you to pursue a Master of Arts in Peace and Justice Studies at this particular time?
2. In what specific ways do you foresee a Master of Arts in Peace and Justice Studies assisting your personal, intellectual and/or professional development?
This should not be a recounting of facts already listed on the application; it should give the Admissions Committee a better sense of who you are and why you are applying to graduate school at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego.
My information and background:
I need a very strong and coherent addmission essay for my application to USD to study peace&JuStice studies in Fall 2016.
I am from Kuwait. Graduated 2015 with a bachelor of science in political science degree from Arizona state university.
received a full scholarship to study master’s degree from Kuwait.
Did internship in senior year at the consulate of Kuwait-Los angeles.