Organisational Theory
Order Description
Out of the four readings, must select two readings to do, Chose two throeys to maatch two papers and aylise…Have been suggested to do Postmoderm, Symbolic Interpretiv
Modernist Analysis of Sustainability
Title of Papers
Which paper is an example of Modernist analysis?
Theoretical “Ontological” position:
What are the ontological features of the paper?
Analytical Approach:
What are the epistemological features that make the paper modernist?
Knowledge that is produced or articulated:
Critical Theory Analysis of Sustainability
Title of Papers
Which paper is an example of Critical Theory analysis?
Theoretical “Ontological” position:
What are the ontological features of the paper?
Analytical Approach:
What are the epistemological features that make the paper Critical Theorist?
Knowledge that is produced or articulated:
Symbolic Interpretivist Analysis of Sustainability
Title of Papers
Which paper is an example of Symbolic Interpretivist analysis?
Theoretical “Ontological” position:
What are the ontological features of the paper?
Analytical Approach:
What are the epistemological features that make the paper Symbolic Interpretivist?
Knowledge that is produced or articulated:
Postmodern Analysis of Sustainability
Title of Papers
Which paper is an example of Postmodern analysis?
Theoretical “Ontological” position:
What are the ontological features of the paper?
Analytical Approach:
What are the epistemological features that make the paper Postmodernist?
Knowledge that is produced or articulated:
Modernist Analysis of Sustainability
1. Four (4) readings are given in Section
2. Students are to identify and classify the underpinning perspective used in two (2)
3. Analyse two (2) papers
4. Produce the Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, using a minimum of three slides for each perspective to summarise:
a. ontological assumptions
b. epistemological assumptions
c. Knowledge produced
5. Provide introduction slide
6. Produce concluding slide
7. Minimum slides for each group.