PUP 465 – Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )
This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. Explore the transect website and the photo collection at http://transect-collection.org/. Pick one city/town and look at the progression of images from T-3 to T-6. Paste the images in a document and provide a 2-3 sentence caption for each image to verbally characterize the progression from rural to urban. Identify what you believe to be the main similarities or differences among these T-zones in your examples
PUP 465 – Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )

PUP 465 – Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )

PUP 465 – Assignment 6 ( Mohammed )
This assignment will be checked using anti-plagiarism software and returned to your instructor with an originality report. Explore the transect website and the photo collection at http://transect-collection.org/. Pick one city/town and look at the progression of images from T-3 to T-6. Paste the images in a document and provide a 2-3 sentence caption for each image to verbally characterize the progression from rural to urban. Identify what you believe to be the main similarities or differences among these T-zones in your examples