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Assignment Brief:
Company Law: 3500 words
Francis is considering an investment in Bamenda Plc and is advised by Collins to be a debenture holder instead of a shareholder. Collins also advised him to create a floating charge on all the assets of the company as a floating charge would yield more interest.
a. Compare and contrast shares and debentures? (1750words)
b. Differentiate between fixed and floating charges explaining their advantages and disadvantages. (1750words)
Question a and b carry equal marks.
Secondary Research Level HE6 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between eighteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include four refereed academic journals and five academic books.
Secondary Research Level HE6 and All written work must be referenced using the
OSCOLA referencing System.
Specific Assessment Criteria:
This piece of work shows evidence of wider research with reference to a number of differing academic viewp01oints. The essay has recognised relevantly and discussed in detail, all the required external environmental factors which affect the management operation of mega events. Several reasoned and logical arguments have been developed well and supported by a wide range of appropriately researched literature. Reference to two or more academic models is clear, relevant and informative. Presentation is of a high standard, and in the appropriate essay style. The high number of appropriate sources has been referenced accurately and to a high standard.
Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments:
1. Assignments should be word-processed in Arial 12 point font, be double-spaced, on A4 size paper. Writing should appear on only one side of the paper, be fully justified and with each page being numbered in the footer, numbering to be centred.