The report will be an individual piece of work which enables students to put into practice elements of their proposals and and importantly show their ability and understanding of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The report is based on the proposal and designed to encourage students to work and undertake research and analysis independently.
Structure of Report (points indicate what must be included)
Title Page
Contents Page (not included in word count)
Executive Summary (not included in word count)
– Is not an abstract. It is a summary of the report and should include a summary of findings.
– May be placed before or after contents page.
1. Introduction (included in word count)
– Summarise the proposal and introduce what is being analysed (no need to include philosophy of research; just include topic and reason, relevant literature; how data collected)
– State Question and Objectives
– State Hypothesis to be tested in section 2.0
2. Quantitative Analysis (included in word count)
– Present general findings of questionnaire and/or secondary quantitative data
– May include Pie Charts, Graphs…
– Analyse data using/applying theory
– Analyse data, for hypothesis using statistical tool e.g. Chi Square or t-test
3. Qualitative Analysis (included in word count)
– Present general findings
– Data is qualitative, primary or secondary and we expect quotes to be used
– Use/apply theory/framework to analyse the data
4. Conclusion (included in word count)
– What are your findings overall?
– Were the objectives met and if so what has been learnt?
5. References (not included in word count)
– Minimum 6 academic sources