Follow instructions i upload. To predict future trends in the distribution of music as well as possible monetization schemes for live and recorded music.
Use three step to complete this essay .
I also upload a note for step three, you may need to use it for step three, you also need do some research .
I think it’s clear on my instruction.
Monetization Schemes for the Music Industry and Its Artists
Purpose: To predict future trends in the distribution of music as well as possible monetization schemes for live and recorded music.
Step one: Make a list of the ways in which you store and listen to music, which may include cloud devices, CDs, external hard drives, etc. If you can, provide a specific count of exactly how many songs you belie you “own” and how much you believe you spend each month on music(if anything!)
Step two: Answer the following question in a paragraph.
• What influence does traditional radio play in your personal music discovery?
Step three: Use this topic to finish your paper, based on what you have learned about your own experience with music and the current state of the industry.
• Profile a current artist or band. List in detail all known ways the artist makes money – for not only their music but also for their personal brand. Create a portfolio of asses for your artist. Besides music, how else do they earn and how successful is each revenue stream is for them?
(I upload a note for this step, use it, and you still need to do research for this topic)
Follow list below to get good Grade:
Evidence and Examples: All of the evidence and examples should specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author’s position.
Transitions: A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected.
Grammar & Spelling: Author makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Closing paragraph: The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer’s position.