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Personal Development plaining/ BRM4007 PDP – Reflective report

Personal Development plaining/ BRM4007 PDP – Reflective report
check the website for the E-lessons term 2, user name and password is below… this is the following link: https://learn.cardiffmet.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=11829
You must write a report reflecting on the skills and career insights you have developed from the PDP1 module (2000 words)
You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment. All of the instructions below are reflected in the marking criteria.

1. Your assignment should be in four clearly marked sections:

a) Introduction – Your introduction should briefly set the scene regarding the skills and insights you consider you have developed during your time on the PDP1 module
b) Academic skills
c) Career-related skills
d) Conclusion – A concise summary of the points you have reflected on and how you will move forward in relation to a potential career path
2. For both of the skills areas (b and c) you need to do the following:

• Identify your three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where you have applied these skills.
• Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.

3. Where necessary, revisit the module e-lessons and/or any summary sheets you completed to refresh your understanding of the skills areas covered by the module i.e. lessons 1-8 (academic skills), lessons 9-12 (career insights and skills).
4. Please remember that you need to use the theory of reflective practice in your work. You must include examples of theory, and how this can be related to experiences you have had in the process of studying PDP1

5. Your assignment should be presented in formal English, academic style and appropriate format i.e. 1.5 or double line spacing with the same 12 point font used throughout. Your text should be accurately proof-read and free from errors or spelling, grammar and punctuation. A cover page should be included with the assignment title, your name, student number, the name of your programme and the date of submission.

6. Your assignment must include reference to, and quotation from, at least five academic sources You need to include in-text references and a reference list at the end of your assignment. This list must include complete bibliographical information for each item e.g. it is not sufficient just to list titles of books or websites: you must include publication details, authors, access dates etc.

7. You must write this in a report style format, with headings and sub-headings used.

8. The assignment must be both submitted on line through Turnitin, which you will find in the Assessment details in Moodle, and also by hard copy to the i-zone. The hand-in date for this assignment is Thursday, March 17 at 4.00 pm.

9. Feedback will be given to you by your PDP1 tutor

10. If you ignore any of the instructions above you will lose marks (please refer to the marking and assessment criteria attached).

Note: these specified assignment criteria are to be addressed in addition to the generic CardiffMet marking criteria found at: http://www3.uwic.ac.uk/English/registry/academic_handbook/Documents/AH1_04_03.pdf

Marks out of 20 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 Feedback
Use of reflective theory throughout – reflective model(s) must be referred to
Max 10 points

Needs to demonstrate a clear introduction to the report, detailing what is needed to set the scene for the rest of the assignment
Academic skills

Student needs to identify their three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where they have applied these skills.
Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.
Career related skills

Student needs to identify their three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where they have applied these skills.
Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.


Needs to demonstrate an effective conclusion to the report, summarising issues discussed and findings raised
Style and Referencing
Max 10 points

Needs to demonstrate clear writing style and effective Harvard referencing technique

Overall Feedback:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Personal Development plaining/ BRM4007 PDP – Reflective report

Personal Development plaining/ BRM4007 PDP – Reflective report
check the website for the E-lessons term 2, user name and password is below… this is the following link: https://learn.cardiffmet.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=11829
You must write a report reflecting on the skills and career insights you have developed from the PDP1 module (2000 words)
You must read these instructions carefully before attempting this assignment. All of the instructions below are reflected in the marking criteria.

1. Your assignment should be in four clearly marked sections:

a) Introduction – Your introduction should briefly set the scene regarding the skills and insights you consider you have developed during your time on the PDP1 module
b) Academic skills
c) Career-related skills
d) Conclusion – A concise summary of the points you have reflected on and how you will move forward in relation to a potential career path
2. For both of the skills areas (b and c) you need to do the following:

• Identify your three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where you have applied these skills.
• Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.

3. Where necessary, revisit the module e-lessons and/or any summary sheets you completed to refresh your understanding of the skills areas covered by the module i.e. lessons 1-8 (academic skills), lessons 9-12 (career insights and skills).
4. Please remember that you need to use the theory of reflective practice in your work. You must include examples of theory, and how this can be related to experiences you have had in the process of studying PDP1

5. Your assignment should be presented in formal English, academic style and appropriate format i.e. 1.5 or double line spacing with the same 12 point font used throughout. Your text should be accurately proof-read and free from errors or spelling, grammar and punctuation. A cover page should be included with the assignment title, your name, student number, the name of your programme and the date of submission.

6. Your assignment must include reference to, and quotation from, at least five academic sources You need to include in-text references and a reference list at the end of your assignment. This list must include complete bibliographical information for each item e.g. it is not sufficient just to list titles of books or websites: you must include publication details, authors, access dates etc.

7. You must write this in a report style format, with headings and sub-headings used.

8. The assignment must be both submitted on line through Turnitin, which you will find in the Assessment details in Moodle, and also by hard copy to the i-zone. The hand-in date for this assignment is Thursday, March 17 at 4.00 pm.

9. Feedback will be given to you by your PDP1 tutor

10. If you ignore any of the instructions above you will lose marks (please refer to the marking and assessment criteria attached).

Note: these specified assignment criteria are to be addressed in addition to the generic CardiffMet marking criteria found at: http://www3.uwic.ac.uk/English/registry/academic_handbook/Documents/AH1_04_03.pdf

Marks out of 20 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 Feedback
Use of reflective theory throughout – reflective model(s) must be referred to
Max 10 points

Needs to demonstrate a clear introduction to the report, detailing what is needed to set the scene for the rest of the assignment
Academic skills

Student needs to identify their three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where they have applied these skills.
Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.
Career related skills

Student needs to identify their three strongest skills in these areas. Show – with evidence – where they have applied these skills.
Identify three skills in each area you need to develop. Produce a plan, with timeline, for how you will address these development needs. Your plan should also include any resources you will need.


Needs to demonstrate an effective conclusion to the report, summarising issues discussed and findings raised
Style and Referencing
Max 10 points

Needs to demonstrate clear writing style and effective Harvard referencing technique

Overall Feedback:

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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