Business Management CS with business and CS
Order Description
The overall aim of this type of project is to identify a problem that needs investigation and the identification of a solution e.g. “Research Report: Implementing Accessibility for Special Needs Students in Virtual Learning Environments” or “A critical analysis of an existing GSM network operator to provide 3G services”. However, the key will be that the student shows evidence of advancing their skills learnt on the BSc program. It is not sufficient to provide a solution; this solution must be evaluated and supporting evidence provided. This evidence should be both from literature (secondary) and original (primary) research.
Students should be made aware that this project is not purely an extended piece of coursework or an essay. The key aspects are to utilise their skills in research, problem solving, critical/comparative analysis, solution identification, business planning and programming or mathematical evaluation skills.
Business Management CS with business and CS

Business Management CS with business and CS

Business Management CS with business and CS
Order Description
The overall aim of this type of project is to identify a problem that needs investigation and the identification of a solution e.g. “Research Report: Implementing Accessibility for Special Needs Students in Virtual Learning Environments” or “A critical analysis of an existing GSM network operator to provide 3G services”. However, the key will be that the student shows evidence of advancing their skills learnt on the BSc program. It is not sufficient to provide a solution; this solution must be evaluated and supporting evidence provided. This evidence should be both from literature (secondary) and original (primary) research.
Students should be made aware that this project is not purely an extended piece of coursework or an essay. The key aspects are to utilise their skills in research, problem solving, critical/comparative analysis, solution identification, business planning and programming or mathematical evaluation skills.