Order Description
1. Leadership in a Global and Multicultural Society
visit the following sites to learn more about Cultural Intelligence and your level of awareness concerning it.
• https://www.culturalq.com/tmpl/home/index.php
• https://www.linnvandyne.com/cq.html
summarise the profile of ANY country and your reflections on the extent to which your own personal cultural identity reflects the national values of your home(INDIA) country, or differs from them.(300 WORDS)
2. READ ‘The Qualities of Effective Presidents: An Overview from FDR to Bill Clinton’ by Fred Greenstein.
While these ideas relate directly to the American presidential system, do these frameworks help you evaluate executive leadership in your own countries? How does your executive system differ from the American system, and how do you compare the executive office/position in your countries to the American presidency? Which office is stronger? What leadership style is preferred in your country, and what type of leaders do the people prefer? What makes a leader strong and/or effective, and does this differ from nation-to-nation or are there any universal elements of effective governmental leadership? What forces shape executive leadership—historical forces beyond an individual’s influence or a leader’s personality? (350 WORDS)
3. Philosophy and leadership: Read ‘What Machiavelli Can Teach Us Today’ and explain in roughly 400 words whether you agree or disagree with the writer.( 400 words)
4. Practicing Leadership: It’s Your Turn’ : • write a 200 word summary of Goleman’s Leadership Styles . (200 words)