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Remote sensing

Remote sensing
1.1 Observe these 3 Landsat TM image band combinations (A, B, and C) of same region in Queensland, and write one advantage and one disadvantage of each band combination.

1.2 Which band combination shows surface moisture or water on the ground clearly and why you think so? This image is from Gatton, Queensland, Australia. You may use Google Earth to support your reasoning.
Find the land cover/feature of circled places in the given image with the help of Google Earth. Enter Bongeen, QLD, Australia, into Google Earth’s “fly to”. Bongeen is the approximate centre location of the below image. Zoom-in to each circled spot (A to H) and describe what you found (land cover/land use/land feature) in each spot in one or few words. Remember, land cover on the ground may have changed in the Google Erath image.


Location in image Approximate land cover/land use/land feature of the location

Find the location by entering the place name into Google Earth as you see here. Depending on your Google Earth version, this search facility may have a different look.


Searching satellite data: MODIS satellite images.
Answer questions using the information in following web site.


3.1. Go to “MODIS Global fire maps” sub-link. What are the three image sizes of Fire Maps you can obtain in JPG format?

3.2. When (time of the day), the “TERRA” satellite passes central region of Western Australia? (Use “View Terra Orbit Tracks” link in the sub-page of ‘MODIS Near Real Time (Orbit Swath) Images”

3.3. In “Gallery” sub page, what are the 2 methods you can use to search images?

3.4. In “Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)” subset image (under MODIS Subsets link), one region of South-Asia is intensively covered by subset images. What is this region and why you thing the area is important to be closely monitored?

3.5. MODIS is extensively monitoring southern Sahara and Central African regions of Africa. Under which image subset the user finds these images? Write about 100 words on possible applications of these southern Sahara region images.


Image Resolution
1. Name four different types of image resolutions and write about 60 words on each of them.
2. To produce a detail land cover map of complete island of Taiwan,
• What is the spatial resolution you select and why you select that resolution?
• What will be the approximate minimum size of the square shape image (number of pixels in x and y) you need for this work? Use Google Earth to calculate the size of the rectangle that covers Taiwan to find the x and y lengths.

Image Classification
1. What is “supervised classification”?
2. Write about 75-100 words on advantages of supervised classification methods.
3. What are the key characteristics of “training area”?
4. How you can conduct an accuracy assessment for a map you produced by the supervised classification method? Write your answer in about 75-100 words.

Field data
1. Write about the “relationship between Remotely Sensed Data and GIS” in 150 words.
2. Your GIS database has spatial resolution of 10m and covers an area of 100km by 100km. To add a land use data layer, what is the suitable satellite image data you will select?
3. Write about 50 words to justify your selection.

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