A Contemporary Issue
Order Description
Research and write an answer to the following question:
“Durkin (2013) re-visits the classic paper by Theodore Levitt “Marketing Myopia” from the 1960’s. He suggests that in the digital marketing of today that marketers have lost their way, focusing too narrowly on what the technology can do, rather than on customer needs; thus following a similar pattern to that of the preceding technologies of digital marketing. Marketers risk losing market orientation and building those important relationships with their customers: they should therefore consider wider definitions of their markets determined by a customer focus rather than a narrow technology focus.”
“Moving beyond just the digital aspects outlined above and considering marketing more generally than this, what evidence is there in international markets of companies who have been suffering from myopia and what has been their failing strategically? Conversely what of companies who have good vision and what has been their success strategically”
Give a critical view and summary or what other academics have been writing about this international marketing strategy in the last 5 years and of particular interest where they make reference to Levitt’s Myopia model.
Use both academic and practical sources. You must include references to at least five business sources and at least five academic articles from academic journals.
Overview of Aims
? The assignment is designed to get you to research in the international marketing literature. This will include academic journal articles, textbooks (in addition to Cateora and Ghauri, 2010) and the press. You will be expected to apply the theory to practice
? Research and prepare an essay
? Give a critical view and summary of what other academics have been writing about this international marketing strategy in the last 5 years and of particular interest where they make reference to Levitt’s Myopia model .
? Use both academic and practical sources. You must include references to at least five business sources and at least five academic articles from academic journals
? You should:
• give a discussion of both theory and practice;
• Include arguments and wherever possible supporting evidence for each point that you make.
The Question – context
? “Durkin (2013) re-visits the classic paper by Theodore Levitt “Marketing Myopia” from the 1960’s. He suggests that in the digital marketing of today that marketers have lost their way, focusing too narrowly on what the technology can do, rather than on customer needs; thus following a similar pattern to that of the preceding technologies of digital marketing. Marketers risk losing market orientation and building those important relationships with their customers: they should therefore consider wider definitions of their markets determined by a customer focus rather than a narrow technology focus.”
The Question – 1
? “Moving beyond just the digital aspects outlined above and considering marketing more generally than this, what evidence is there in international markets of companies who have been suffering from myopia and what has been their failing strategically ? Conversely what of companies who have good vision and what has been their success strategically”
The Question – 2
? “Give a critical view and summary or what other academics have been writing about this international marketing strategy in the last 5 years and of particular interest where they make reference to Levitt’s Myopia model .”
? “Use both academic and practical sources. You must include references to at least five business sources and at least five academic articles from academic journals.”
Assumptions about the Question
? Assume that you are not required to give definitions of terms for this question.
? Assume that you need a short introduction and a short conclusion
Guidance, given in the Assignment
? Use a variety of sources to support your discussion from:
1. text books,
2. academic articles in academic journals
(guideline of at least five academic journal articles).
1. and business sources
(guideline of at least five business sources).
? Use the Harvard referencing system.
? For the purposes of this assignment you must use your own words and paraphrase your sources: quotations should not be used at all unless these are very small phrases and can be justified.
? Although this is an essay you are advised to write in the style of a report: use headings, sub-headings and highlighting of key words in bold.
And a lot more:
? International not national UK.
? Critical analysis is needed.
? Strategic discussion is needed
? Contemporary (last 5 years ideally).
? Give theory and practice.
? Think about whether or not the example companies have applied the theory, or whether you are as the “observer”.
1. Critically assess International Marketing Strategy, within the framework of the International Marketing paradigm.
2. Collect, analyse and critically review evidence relating to international marketing and to produce soundly reasoned arguments, conclusions and recommendations.
The Question
Give a critical view and summary or what other academics have been writing about this international marketing strategy in the last 5 years and of particular interest where they make reference to Levitt’s Myopia model .
Use both academic and practical sources. You must include references to at least five business sources and at least five academic articles from academic journals.
Breaking down the Question
“Durkin (2013) re-visits the classic paper by Theodore Levitt “Marketing Myopia” from the 1960’s. He suggests that in the digital marketing of today that marketers have lost their way, focusing too narrowly on what the technology can do, rather than on customer needs; thus following a similar pattern to that of the preceding technologies of digital marketing. Marketers risk losing market orientation and building those important relationships with their customers: they should therefore consider wider definitions of their markets determined by a customer focus rather than a narrow technology focus.”
Give a critical view and summary or what other academics have been writing about this international marketing strategy in the last 5 years and of particular interest where they make reference to Levitt’s Myopia model. (Use both academic and practical sources. You must include references to at least five business sources and at least five academic articles from academic journals.)
“Moving beyond just the digital aspects outlined above and considering marketing more generally than this, what evidence is there in international markets of companies who have been suffering from myopia and what has been their failing strategically? Conversely what of companies who have good vision and what has been their success strategically” (give practical examples)
Breaking Down the Question – 2
1. What other academics to Durkin have been writing about international marketing strategy in the last 5 years, beyond just the digital aspects as outlined by Durkin (2013)?
2. What other academics to Durkin have been writing about international marketing strategy in the last 5 years which make reference to Levitt’s “Myopia” model?
3. What evidence is there in international markets of companies who have been suffering from “myopia” and what has been their failing strategically?
4. Conversely what of companies who have “good vision” and what has been their success strategically”
? Evidence of relevant research and making use of it. (50% weight)
? Content – giving an answer to question with a good discussion about international marketing strategies, theory and practice, with evidence supporting this. (50% weight)
? Report Presentation Skills – a good visual layout, good structure and good grammar and using the correct Harvard referencing style.
Durkin (2013),_”Tweet me cruel: Perspectives on battling digital marketing myopia1” , The Marketing Review, Vol.13(1) pp51-63)
Levitt, T. (1960) “Marketing Myopia”, Harvard Business Review, pp.45-56